Break The Cycle

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This has been edited but there may be mistakes.

Neema sat on the bed she had shared with Khan for such a small amount of time. Her body was curled in the mattress as she lay above the sheets. Her pert little nose sniffed at the sheets as she inhaled a gulp full of Khan's scent that lingered on the bed. The tangy smell of his sweat and minty shower gel soothed Neema's errant thoughts until she could really think about all that he had said.

She hadn't meant to come to this room but his scent had brought her comfort and since she couldn't clear her mind around him, his room was the next best thing.

Rolling about in the sheets she got comfortable as she contemplated all her possible options. She could still leave Khan if she had a wish to. He had slept with another woman with the intention of being intimate. That in itself broke all the trust she had began to place in him. If she was being honest though she could see herself eventually forgiving him for it. Not anytime soon, perhaps not even this year but she could see it happening.

They would have a lot to work on if she decided to stay but at least he didn't actually have sex with her. That would have been a step too far for Neema. Even now when she knew he had only shared a bed with Leslie, she found it hard to let go of her anger and hurt. She had to thank the gods above for sparing her the heartache of being pregnant for a cheating male, there would be no coming back from that. Even though she did not love him there was something in her heart that swelled for him, there was a longing for that emotion. Whether she stayed or left her heart would always have a part missing as the bond longed for it's mate.

The door abruptly swung open causing Neema to jump in fright. The bulky shoulders of Khan were the first thing she saw. His left shoulder laden with blood. She hoped it wasn't his. His body came barrelling into the room, his feet stumbling as he staggered into the room. His shoulders dropped low as he made his way over to the bed. As he reached the mattress his body collapsed on the bed as his eyes shut close and his breathing began to shallow out.

Neema prodded at his chest as Khan rested his body for a minute. Questions were flitting through her mind and almost bursting from her mouth but she held them back. She wanted to give him his five minutes of rest before she started her inquisition.

Analysing his body, she noted that he was not badly wounded. The infliction on his shoulder was the only wound he had which meant he had collapsed from exhaustion and nothing else. The blood was a tad sticky but had began to darken and clump along his skin leaving a large patch of blood on his shirt. The wound had already begun re-knitting itself but the flesh wound did not look big enough to leave that much blood on him. The only other option was that it was not his.

"Khan, are you okay?" she whispered, the genuine care in her her voice had one of his eyes prying open as he set his hazel state her. He grunted in her direction before he closed his eye again and twisted his head more towards her body. The top of his head now resting by her knee as she sat by his side.

Moving from her sitting position Neema lay down beside him, her body slightly higher then his on the bed so his head was cradled by her chest. Her nimble fingers stroking at his sweaty nape, the hair on his neck sticking to his neck in a mass of wet curls. His state was completely unkempt. She had never seen him so beaten down and tired, even after she had been through him. She did not like to see him like this.

His wound was paltry which meant his reason for looking so withered had to do with something else. Neema considered on whether she should pry the information from his cold lips or just lay alongside him and wait. She chose to lay beside him, hoping he would eventually confide in her before it was time to eat.  This would probably be the last time they lay so intimately with each other and it hurt her heart to think on it.

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