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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes

The small hum of irritation and disgust that Neema had felt earlier on had transformed into untamed unbridled anger. She was absolutely livid by the time the mating ceremony came about. The wolves had puled her last string and she did not know if she had anything left in her to deal with the ordeal. Her body was sore and tired and her mind was running a muck with ways to kill. Today had been one of her worst days yet and that was saying a lot.

After khan had left she had been escorted to another white room that was filled with appliances a large shower and an even bigger bath. She had been stripped bare and roughly shoved in the shower as the women stood around her scowling and tugging at her body and that was how the rest of her night went. She was pulled and prodded by spiteful and vindictive women who hated her on sight, not that she was anything great to look at. They were all jealous cows. They wanted to be the ones mating with of a wolf of her 'mates' stature but Neema would do anything to be them. She craved to be free, but they did not care that she didn't want the "good fortune" he was bestowing upon her. No, they had been mad that she had him and remained so ungrateful.

They had surely taken their anger out on her and there was not much she could have done in defence. It wasn't as if they had viscously attacked her with punches and kicks. No they had been much more discrete.

They had dunked her head under the bath for much longer than necessary, scrubbed her skin raw and yanked on her hair all in their bid to make her presentable. It had taken her hair at least 10 washes to be completely clean, the shower water had run a disgustingly brown colour with streaks of red from the dried blood that was clotted along her skin and in her hair. After they had given her a preliminary shower they had taken her over to a scolding hot bath that smelt of camomile and honey, the water was murky white and felt nourishing against her skin, but their hands did not.

Neema knew she was dirty, living underground was full of dirt and dust and with there being a limited supply of running water they had been living off of rations. One token per family a week and with two kids she barely felt the water on her skin before it cut out. She knew she did not smell or look the greatest but the damn wolves had treated her like vermin. As if she was scum on the heel of their shoe, so many times she wanted to kill them and she had even tried to at one point. It had really shaken them up when she dragged the black girl by her long frizzy hair and dunked her into the water, head first. Keeping the girls head submerged under the water she had stared down all the she-wolves in the vicinity, daring them to at like the bitches they really were. When none even flinched in her direction she released the woman who came up sputtering and crying like Neema had stabbed her. The damn weakling did not know anything of pain, but it had served its purpose.

The she wolves calmed down after that, they had even been nice for a while. They fed her chicken while her nails dried and placed some soft buttermilk cream onto her skin while she drank a pink frothy drink through something they called a straw, all fancy stuff. Neema had wanted to refuse the food, she couldn't imagine eating without knowing that her siblings had eaten first but one of the women had assured her that they did not starve kids in this facility. Though Neema did not trust any of the wolves before her it was as close as she would get to making sure they ate and so she took the woman's words for truth, if only to ease her own guilt.

Neema had thought it was all going well and that they were all getting along after the rough start. What a shock she had received when they had led her over to a white bed where they proceeded to rip all the hair from her body, one painstaking strip at a time until she looked like a bald chicken ready for cooking, all pink and tender and hairless. Neema couldn't understand why any woman would want to hurt herself so much just to look like a naked mole rat. Sahina had stood by the door still yapping along as she explained that being hairless would maximise her pleasure, assuming that Neema would feel any in the first place.

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