A Sisters Love

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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

Neema was not sure what it was that woke her maybe it was the slight buzzing noise or the endless plain of white penetrating through her closed eyes. All she knew was that something wasn't right. Slowly raising her body, the fire in her back she previously felt, returned tenfold causing her to shout out. Sweat gathered around her lower lip as her face crumpled into the pillow, tears streaking from her eyes as her body shook and her back throbbed.

A cool wetness ebbed from her back and dripped over her waist, small droplets of blood gathering around her belly and into the sheets as she quietly sobbed out her pain.

Her head spun as she became light headed. Breath struggled to escape her lips as she chocked on the air that was stuck in her throat. Her heart began to slow down and her head became fussy as consciousness faded from her body.

The heavy clunk of shoes on the linoleum floor made Neema aware of an approaching body along the corridor.

Coughing as quietly as she could and wincing as her back begun to burn again, Neema forced air back down her lungs in greedy gulps. Her heart steadying to a calm resting pace, giving the allusion that she was sleeping.

A female nurse came flying into the room heading straight to where Neema lay. She was not sure what made her come sprinting into the room to check on her but instantly her defences were high. A blonde streak of her loose hair bobbed in front of Neema's bleary eyes as she watched the nurse through squinted half lidded eyes. Watching the nurse with suspicion she took in the white clinical walls that signalled she was in a hospital. She found some humour that no matter where you went the walls for hospitals were always white. Though in the underground village they were more cream than white, the concept was the same.

In her peripheral view she noticed that the nurse was emptying a vile into the empty fluids bag that hung from the drip. The long injection was filled with red liquid that looked as if it could be blood. She wasn't sure what the nurse was giving her but her instincts reared up. She did not want any wolves blood inside her body and she didn't want whatever the nurse was trying to give her. She was sure that the wolves had moved away from such archaic forms of healing by now. Not even underground villages used these types of facilities or medical procedures. They had been made redundant at least 100 years ago.

Slowly, so as not to make a sound Neema pulled out the tube that was inserted into her arm. She kept her body limp in attempt to appear as if she was still unconscious, while her eyes stayed focused on the movements of the nurse.

Walking around the bed the blonde haired nurse carried what appeared to be another needle in her hand, and reached over Neema's body. Before the nurse could reach her back, Neema stretched out and grasped her hand. Twisting her body into an upright position fire spread throughout her spine causing her to clench her teeth. Panting through her pain and the need to vomit all over herself, she counted to 10 in her mind and by the time she stopped the pain had lessened to a dull throb.

Sweat gathered along her upper lip and her eyes became blurry for a short while before they refocused. Neema analysed the blonde haired nurse, she had big blue eyes that seemed much too large for her heart shaped face and a nose that seemed to long for the small lips that lay beneath it. Glaring into the nurses eyes she could see that whatever was in the needle the nurse was going to place in her back, was of a clear colour. Though it didn't seem harmful, Neema was untrusting of these wolves. The nurse was a wolf in sheep's clothing, her uniform was no disguise.

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