Snakes and Butterflies

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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

"Neema, your mate has told me about your siblings and I wondered if they would perhaps like some playmates. I have two sons and maybe they could help with the transition." Neema's head tilted to the side as she considered whether she was prepared to make friends with this woman beyond pleasantries.

If her siblings where to have playdates with Emmaline's children then Neema would be stuck in her presence, she would be subjected to the continuous inquisition into her mating by this female. Neema was not sure if she liked the female enough to actually open up about Khan. How Khan had treated her had remained trapped at the back of her mind where she planned on keeping it, even though Sahina was aware that Neema had been abused by her mate she had not mentioned it. Neema wasn't sure if it was because the woman was too scared of Khan or because she respected Neema's privacy, the little bit she had left.

"They may enjoy the company" she reluctantly conceded, knowing that her acquiescence to the playdate was more than just a play time for her siblings.

Nodding her head in conviction she began buttoning up her jumpsuit so she could get back to her siblings, the 30 minutes or so they had been separated felt like a century. If Neema felt the distance she could only imagine how they were coping.

A small slender hand grabbed her wrist and flipped her to face the front before she could step outside the door. The clear green eyes of the young doctor stared steadily into Neema's as she searched for something in Neema's brown orbs.

"Remain strong Neema, this too shall pass" she spoke earnestly, her fingers stroking stray hairs from Neema's shoulder before she pulled open the door and ushered her out.

Neema stood on the opposite side of the threshold, the wooden door separating the two women as she mentally began rebuilding the walls around her mind that Emmaline had began deconstructing. Her composure slowly returning to her and her surroundings coming back into focus.

"Neema, Khan sent me to come and get you" came Sahina's weary and slightly panicky voice, her eyes were wide and she nibbled on her lips in fear.

Neema automatically noted that something was not right with Sahina's almost quiet presence, there was no shouting or babbling from Jana or clinging from Caillum. They were not here, and if Sahina was here and they were not then someone else was with them. Someone she did not know or trust had been left to take care of her family.

Gritting her teeth, she marched off in the way she had came, her feet burning as she forced her weak body to move as fast as it could. The light slaps of Sahina's feet on the floor accompanied Neema's heavy panting as the two women flew down the corridors. Skidding and sliding around corners in their urgency to return to the children.

The door swung open merely missing the wall by a few inches as she entered Khan's office with an equally anxious Sahina trailing slightly behind her. The sight that greeted her would have been adorable if it had been anyone but Khan who sat with her siblings. Jana sat at the back of his chair twisting his hair into knots as she jabbered on as if she were a professional who had been paid to style Khans hair. Caillum sat on Khan's lap as he leant over the table and observed Khan who seemed to be engrossed in writing something important on a piece of paper.

"slowly, slowly" he grumbled causing Jana to abruptly stop talking, her eyebrows furrowing as she gripped his hair tightly in her hands and her little lips wobbled.

"Hmm, you, mm, you hair soft" she grunted as she stroked the locks that were not clasped in her tight fist. Her mouth forming a small O as she stared in wonderment at the silky locks he had atop his head, the fine curls were soft and nourished unlike the brittle hair that Neema and her siblings naturally had.

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