Sizzling Embers

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The has been edited but there may be mistakes.

Neema couldn't sleep that night, flash backs of the video kept running through her mind. Images of the destruction, the death kept playing over and over again until her mind was a burning mess. She was messed up and not even the soft huffs of her sleeping siblings could calm her now, she was twitchy and needed clarity. She feared that if she did not get answers now then she never would.

Heaving a soft sigh, she climbed from the bed, untangling the long limbs of Caillum from around her waist and climbing over Jana. Lightly shutting the door behind her she stepped further into the dimly lit room. The sight greeting her was one that caused her blood pressure to rise. A half naked Khan with loose fitting shorts slung along his waist, a light trail of hair along his chest and continuing into the band of his shorts. His legs were splayed open and his eyes were closed shut as he slept peacefully. His hands were behind his head and the blanket splayed at the foot of the bed.

"You make too much noise," Neema's heart thumped in her chest at his words, her cheeks turning pink at the embarrassment of being caught watching him. His deep voice rumbled a light chuckle as he reopened his eyes into a half shuttered sultry look, enticing her to pounce on him but she held back.

Her body twitched with the urge to join him on the bed but they weren't that familiar yet, this was Khan's room and she was intruding. Though he didn't seem to be to bothered by her presence, in fact a part of him looked excited but she tried to avoid looking there.

"You waiting for me to ask you to join me?" he mumbled, his mouth tilted into that smirk he often wore around her, at the sight of her slight nod he motioned her over. "Come here" he growled out when she hesitated a moment to long, his body rising from the bed until he sat crossed legged against the head board.

His arms folded across his large brown chest as he beckoned Neema with his sultry eyes, his pink tongue flicking over his bottom lip before he sunk his teeth into it. The man was temptation and he knew it, he was cocky but in this scenario she found it hot. The man was fire and he wanted to be kindled brighter. He knew what he was doing, could smell the change in her body and if she went by his bodies reactions he was enjoying the scent.

Getting on that bed could only mean one thing. She wanted what he offered her badly but at the same time she still had reservations about Khan, it had only been a little over a week since his change of heart. It was too soon but her body screamed, the bond vibrated.

"Come. Here," he growled putting emphasis on the first word as he motioned for her to sit between his now open legs.

His feet were planted firmly on the bed as Neema slowly crawled across the mattress, stopping a few centimetres from where she wanted to be. Khan glanced down at his lap before he looked back at her, his eyes telling her to move. He didn't want anything between them. She felt the heat emanating off his body as she shuffled that bit closer to him, her knees resting right at his juncture as she lent back on her legs. The large gap between their torso's annoying Khan as he gripped her hip and flung her legs around his waist. Her centre meeting his. Her body tilted back, her hands placed on the bed as she tried to keep some distance between them, some sanity. Their lower half was connected but their chests remained separated.

"I-I-I wanted to, uhh, talk to you about something," she gasped out as his body moved against hers, his ridge rubbing between her legs. His eyes remained focussed on her chest as if he had not heard a word that had slipped from her mouth but the small nod gave her confirmation to talk.

She couldn't though, not when he was rubbing against her like that.

"Khan", she moaned her eyes slipping close as she bit her lip, "please, I need to speak" her voice trailing off into small gasps as his hand moved from her hip to her back, clenching her tightly as he brought her body closer.

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