Seeds, Part 1

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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

The next day the foreboding that had settled into her the night before had been lifted by the shared intimacy she had with Khan. Laying in his bed, in his arms had brought her a comfort that she had never experienced before. He settled her, stopped her erratic thoughts and calmed her before he set her heart racing with his caresses. Last night had been one of her best nights within the walls of this compound, it had given her hope.

She felt rejuvenated and invigorated. The loving had only made her outlook on life, on Khan alter. She was beginning to see the potential of having him as a mate and it had only been a little over a week of him making a conscious effort, it made her imagine what kind of joy she would feel in the future. It could only get better from this point on. 

Brushing her hair, a smile graced her face as she thought of the night's activities.

"Alright guys, we are sticking to the normal plan. It doesn't matter how many new people we meet. Got it?"

Her body was twisted in her chair as she looked at her two siblings, Jana with her still messy bed hair responded the most enthusiastically.

"GAWWWT ETT" she shouted, her little free hand twisting with her messy pigtails as her thumb of the other hand muffled her words. Her enthusiasm was steadily increased each day as they encountered new people. Wolves and humans alike had been droning in for the past couples of days.

They all clambered in to witness the ceremony that would take place in two days. Their presence was felt in the rooms, in the training area, in the dining hall. They were everywhere and the extra people had Jana going crazy. She loved strangers, no matter how many times Neema warned her the perils of unknown people.

To Jana it didn't matter, the people were fun and exotic. Dark skin women with large Afros, pale men with white blonde hair. People with dreadlocks. Piercings, beads, tattoos, scars, the lot, they had them all. Jana was fascinated with all the different looking people. It was fun to play with their hair and climb on their backs or pull their shoes under the table. She was having the time of her life running around like a hellion, while Neema was chasing behind her.

It was a good thing Jana was a cute child with dimples imbedded in her chubby cheeks and big brown eyes. Those looks often got her out of a lot of trouble with the people, their glares at realising they were under attack by a little cherub often turned to grins. Neema was never spared the glares though.

"You better not be lying you little rat" she chuckled at the adorable little girl. She could definitely see why the people she terrorised were never angry at her.

"Can we see Khan before we go nursery, he never said morning," questioned Caillum, clearly disgruntled that Khan had broken that tradition that her brother clearly placed value on.

Neema's eyes flickered to the clock on the wall and saw that they were at least 20 minutes early. Everyone had been bathed and dressed, all that was left was for her to plait Jana's hair and cream Caillum's face and then they could go.

"Alright, let me do her hair and then we can quickly pop by," she agreed, the smile on her brothers face made it all worth it, plus she wanted to see him this morning.

She had felt his lingering kisses as he left the bed this morning but it was too early for her brain to fully function. She wanted to see him, to get that reassurance that everything was still okay with them, she had no real reason to doubt him but she was stepping into unchartered territory. She would constantly need his assurance until she felt comfortable with the turn their relationship was taking.

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