The Beginning

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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

Sahina was waiting inside Neema's room as she entered through the conjoined door after feeding and putting her siblings to bed. Sahina gave her no time to dwell over the day and quickly rushed her into the bathroom where a bubble bath was waiting for her. Clothes hung on the doorframe that were not appropriate for bed or for daily use.

"What's going on?" questioned Neema as she eyed Sahina wearily from her perch in the warm bath that she had fallen madly in love with. Submerging her whole body into the tub Neema felt the tension of the day rolling away. Laying in the tub she could almost forget that she was a mate to a wolf. Almost forget that she was not his only one out there.

She did not know how she felt about him, she could not say she was happy to be his mate but at the same time she was not reluctant either, she was almost possessive over him. She was his mate and he was hers no matter how much she disliked his personality, or how much she wished to see Victus again she found herself slowly becoming open to him.

"You are attending a celebratory dinner for khan and your mating, we are running late though" sung Sahina as she tapped a small device in her hand that caused the water to start draining from the bath, forcing Neema to cut her time short.

Wrapping her body in a towel, she headed towards the vanity and began coming her hair as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. her hair curled in long ringlets all the way down to her waist and her skin had begun to deepen from her time in the sun.

Flinging on the red silk dress draped over the doorframe, she twisted her body this way and that to view herself in the mirror, it was one of the first times she had seen herself in good lighting and looking almost pretty. She was still way to skinny but the red dress made her look a lot fuller than she was, it gave her body seductive curves that she did not have.

By the time she was dressed Sahina entered the room with a spray bottle that she sprayed all over Neema's face and shut eyes. When Neema next looked at herself in the mirror she barely recognised herself. The liquid magic in the spray bottle had enhanced Neema's natural skin colour and gave her eyebrows more definition. Her lips looked plum and her eyes looked sultry, with thick lashes and a thin line in the shape of a cat.

"I just gave you a little bit of make-up, to enhance your natural beauty." Sahina mumbled unsurely. At that moment Neema felt bad for all the negative thoughts she had towards Sahina, the female had only been doing her job maybe a bit enthusiastically but she was still a person. She had helped Neema in more ways then she could count and though she was annoying Neema was extremely grateful.

The make-up made her feel like she was a real woman, one who could stand up to the scrutiny she was bound to receive tonight.

"Thank you so much Sahina, for everything" said Neema as she pulled Sahina into a quick her.

"Right, well let us head out" grinned Sahina as she readjusted her clothes and began marched out the door and down the corridors with Neema trailing behind until they reached a large set of doors.

Pushing them open Sahina wished her good luck before she left Neema to enter the room by herself. Neema entered the dinning hall as discreetly as she could and scanned the room to see if she could place a familiar face but ended up getting caught up in the decor. It seemed a human had decorated this room because it was warm and inviting which was something Neema assumed was beyond wolf capabilities. The fireplace was an enticing centrepiece of the room, the diamond chandelier was a classy reminder of their monetary stance and the walls were painted a sultry red. The flicker of the fireplace making it seem as if the walls were on fire. In the middle of the room stood a long table, it was decorated in the full dinner regalia

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