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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

When Neema woke the next morning her siblings were still fast asleep, Caillum had sprawled himself across the bed and Jana lay in a tight little ball. Their soft huffs of breath brought a smile to her withered face and drowned out the pain of her throbbing chest. The wound had stopped bleeding sometime during the night and was now a fierce and deep wound on the top of her left breast.

Climbing out of the bed she winced as all her sore body parts protested, her back felt as if it had been rubbed raw and her thighs felt tender and bruised. Her lips were swollen and sore, the taste of blood still clung to her mouth.

Pushing her matted hair to the top of her head, she strolled into the room she had shared with Khan for one night and would probably never share again. The ruined bloody sheets had been removed and replaced by new fresh ones, the bed made as if nothing had happened the night before.

Maybe to Khan it had just been another night for him. Anger seemed to be his favourite emotion so perhaps he was used to hurting people but for Neema it was a night she would never forget. There were no more pretences between her and Khan, she knew who he was now and she would never forget it.

Making her way over to the bath she tapped the small device to start the water running, looking over the shelves she picked up a number of different scents until she found a few that relaxed her. She dropped a few into the bath and began stripping her clothes off, avoiding all the mirrors that were placed inside the bathroom. Sinking into the tub red streaked the water and her purple and black legs peaked through the surface. The mismatch of colours another reminder of her beloved mate.

Plucking the band from the knot atop her head she untangled her hair and submerged her whole body under the water. The warm liquid gushed around her face, the essential oils calming her body as she began to relax each muscle. Her fingers clung to the bottom of the bath as her hair created a halo around her head, the strands swaying in the pale pink water.

Her chest constricted as it begged for more air, her heart slowing as her muscles convulsed with the need to breathe. Oxygen ebbed from her muscles that tried to continue breathing, living. Her eyes fluttered as she neared the brink of unconsciousness where she swore she could hear the sound of a door banging and a howl ringing in her ears over the sound of the running water.

As her body became numb the stress and pain inflicted upon her by Khan faded until she felt completely clear and revived as if it had never happened. Placing her fingers firmly along the tile of the bath she began pushing her body from the bottom, her eyes shooting wide open as rough hands grabbed her shoulders and forced her to the surface much faster than she anticipated. Her head shot through the water spluttering and coughing as her lungs constricted as the air was forced down her airway.

Her head felt fuzzy but it was nice buzz. It felt as if she was drifting to another plane, hovering above earth until she crashed back down to this god forsaken planet to the sight of Hazel eyes ringed with red fire.

Khan sat before her with half of his body wet from the water and a wild look in his eyes, his jaw was clenched tight as he stared at Neema with such fear that she could feel the laughter rising though her being.

"You tried to kill yourself?"

She tried to tamp it down but she felt the laughter flying from her mouth at the words he uttered in despair. Fat tears trickled down her eyes as her belly shook with laughter, her lip bleeding again as her mouth stretched open wide in humour.

"I was cleansing" she chuckled, her long lashes flickering as the water trailed across her face.

"Do you think I am stupid? you were trying to kill yourself! You are not allowed to do that. I forbid it!" he growled, his voice hoarse as if he were in pain at the very thought.

Capture (Book 1 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now