The Creed of The Wolfen Brethren

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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

AN/ Hey everybody, I just want to make sure that everyone has been reading all the other chapters. This will be the fourth/fifth that I have updated today (depending where you live), so make sure you read them in order.

Neema stormed into Khan's room the next day with a book in her hand and a swagger in her step. Lara's words had given her the encouragement she needed, Khan was not going to know what hit him.

His squinty eyes were proof of that. He was still in bed, his curly hair knotted around his face as he slept bare chested. Pillows were splayed on the floor and the sheets were dangling around his torso. She was glad he didn't sleep well. Marching over to the window she opened the curtains. The sharp sunlight having its desired affect.

Khan shot up in bed. His eyes surrounded by deep bags. He looked like death.

"So Khan, I have come to a conclusion about our situation. I have had a little think and my sister has given me some sound advice." Was Neema's opening sentence as she cut to the chase and got straight down to facts. Waving the heavy book in her hand she continued her one sided discussion.

"Sit up Khan, you might want to pay attention to this bit" she ordered.

Stopping her waving of the book until he did what she had told him to. His strong bare arms were folded across his chest as he leaned against the headboard. His sharp focus on Neema driving her determination even more.

Flipping open the book to the page she needed she read him a short extract, to prepare him for her decision.

"Page 349: Law 122, section 5, under the creed of the Wolfen brethren. 'If a mated wolf impregnates a female who is not his intended mate, said mate can annul the bond AND can mate with another male'. I am said mate Khan. In case you didn't know."

Her mouth tipping up in condescension. It was a bit early in the morning so she was sure he did not quite understand what she was saying.

"I'm going to break it down for you. When I give birth to your child I am going to annul our mating... As is my right and then if I feel like it, I will get married and give my new mate a room full of babies" she taunted.

None of her words were a joke, she was one hundred percent serious. His laws gave her rights and she would exercise every single one of them.

Khan climbed out of bed as he charged toward her, his frame was shaking with the struggle to maintain his shift. Not only had she left him alone all night which made sleep impossible for him but she now woke him with words of annulment. Storming into their room at ungodly hours and talking about babies and future husbands.

"YOU ARE MINE! No man will give you pups but me! You won't be raising my children with anyone but me!" he bellowed. His nose poking her face as he leant into her. His fingers digging into her shoulders as he dragged her body towards him.

"Well according to your laws, under section 8, 'A female mate can raise her pup without her mate if an annulment takes place. The female must remain under the same compound and not re-mate until the pup reaches training age.' Which I checked is 6."

Her eyebrows were challenging him to try and dispute these laws. As a descendant of the Wolfen Brethren and soon to be Regional Alpha Khan had to have known these rules. The downtrodden expression on his face told her as much.

"I'm only 22, I don't mind waiting until I'm 28 to have a new mate, I might not even need one" she continued, her words rubbing salt into an already open and blistering wound.

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