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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

Neema sat at the vanity in a blue jumpsuit that khan had all but threw at her before he had exited the room demanding that she wait there, for what Neema remained unsure. His monosyllabic behaviour annoyed her but she listened to him in hopes that he had sent someone to her room to to show her to her siblings

It really annoyed her that Khan could just switch back to normal while Neema was left reeling with the after effects of their interlude in the bath. It had only been a couple of hours since she had met and mated with him but she could already see that her attitude towards him had begun to change. She could pretend it was for the sake of her sibling's survival and comfort that she listened to him and voluntarily touched him but deep down Neema was aware of what it really was. 

The bite mark had left her craving his presence against her better judgement and disdain, she was trapped with wanting him against her will and soon her will would not even be against him. The weak bond was becoming stronger and she loathed but desired it.

The turning of the door handles had Neema discarding her thoughts and flying across the room to yank it open to see the face of the same talkative maid who had escorted her to the preparation rooms.

Sahina was such a pretty female, she looked exotic with long dark hair and matching eyes that glistened, her skin was the colour of almonds and shone with radiance. For a maid she was well put together with freshly painted nails and glossy lips that were tinted up in a warm smile. Neema subtly looked down at her pasty skin and half groomed nails, next to Sahina she was sure that she would pass for the maid and not the other way around.

"Hi Neema, it is good to see you again! Your mating was so un real, everyone is still talking about the way you bit Khan" she squealed, her body bouncing in excitement and joy.

Neema cringed at the high octave her voice reached, the she wolf was way too excitable for so early in the morning. Neema did not know how any man could deal with her high pitched voice, the bite on her neck was a clear indication that someone could tolerate the sound and perhaps even revere it.

"I don't really wanna talk about that, can we just see my siblings" said Neema as she continued her fast pace down the corridor following Sahina in her sullen silence. She'd had more than enough time to dwell on her mating and did not want to pay it anymore mind than was necessary. She had two things that were at the forefront of her mind and no talk of her mating was going to disrupt her from achieving those things, firstly she needed to find and hold her babies.

They were not her children but with the absence of her parents and her older sister she'd had to provide them with that role. Caillum could still remember their parents and would sometimes ask about them but mentioning them often got him upset, the only time Caillum called Neema mama was when he was tired or upset. 

Jana was only a baby when they had gone missing so she had called Neema Mama from the moment she had learnt to speak at two years old. Jana was a slow learner when it came to speaking but she was a lot smarter then her language passed her off as. Neema was the mother of both so any problems they had were an example of her failing to be a good parent, the role she was forced to play was both a curse and privilege.

"My little munchkins" Neema cried with joy as her siblings came hurtling towards her as she entered the large room, Jana squealing at her presence. Kneeling on the floor she gathered the children into her awaiting arms as her ears were filled with the constant chatter of her littlest sibling. Jana was dribbling all over her arm in her excitement as her high pitched voice was babbled on in her mostly unintelligible words.

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