A Baths Cocoon

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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

When Neema woke the next morning her stomach was grumbling from hunger, she couldn't remember the last meal she had. The chicken she'd had yesterday had been more than she was used to and had only served to open up her stomach. Though she was hungry her stomach ached as if it could not possibly digest anymore food than it was.

Rolling over to face khan's side of the bed she heaved a sigh of relief when she realised he wasn't there, she was glad she did not have to deal with his overbearing personality so early on in the morning, especially when her stomach was gnawing at her.

Climbing out of the bed she trudged towards the bathroom, last night she had been too angry and humiliated to fully take in the size and decor of the room which was really big considering it managed to fit in a large bed and two leather sofas. There was a large book shelf towards the door, a chest of draws and plenty of room to pace around. The maroon walls made the room look permanently shrouded in night and were bare from any any trinkets or little Nick-Knack's making the room look cold and desolate despite the large fire place. The room definitely fit khan's personality that was for sure, cold and gloomy.

Making her way into the adjoining bathroom, Neema conceded that she could get used to this life as long as the bath stayed. It had been years since she last had a bath by herself because yesterdays ordeal did not count. Every opportunity she'd had to wash herself in the underground villages had been in the communal showers where she spent most of her time coupon cleaning her siblings and making sure no soap got in their eyes. By the time it was her time to shower she had a minute or two at the maximum. She wasn't ungrateful because at least she got to clean herself, some people were worse off than her, she just wasn't sure if she could ever go back to that after soaking in Khan's bath. Having a large bath at her disposal was a pleasant change.

She could imagine spending most of her days in this very tub, it was like a small lake, well maybe not that big but the size of it definitely dwarfed Neema. She could probably swim laps in the ginormous bath, the jets were the only reason as to why she wasn't testing out her theory and the fact that she did not know how to swim. The bubbles they created were helping to soothe all her aches and pains.

Thinking of pains, Neema realised that her back had stopped hurting her a little after the mating took place. Twisting her arm around her back she felt the expanse of her skin, where there should have been open flesh wounds, she felt faint lines on her back. The skin was rough and slightly scabbed over and touching them caused little pin pricks to tremor through her spine but it was a pleasant change from the fire she felt. It was like the healing process had fast forwarded a couple of weeks, her back would probably be scarred badly but at least she didn't have to go through the long tedious process of healing. She would be able to move about freely and figure out where Khan had stashed her siblings and the little blondie.

She wondered if it had anything to do with Khan flushing her body with his wolf genes, when he had bit her he had given her body a little bit of his strength to help with the whole human carrying a wolf baby process, so maybe by doing that it had caused her body to heal itself. Still she had never heard of wolves healing a person in such a way.

She was not complaining though; those lashings had really caused her body a lot of grief, it was barbaric of them to treat people that way, when all they had done was try to survive with hand they had been dealt. She just couldn't believe they were so blasé about corporal punishment on people who had committed no real crime.

"Stupid wolves" she growled under her breath as she flicked the water about in her frustration.

"Who are you cursing now?" Chuckled the voice from the door.

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