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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

They needed Khan. This could not go on any longer, Jana was becoming volatile in her restlessness. Caillum was becoming withdrawn and Jana was half the child she was before. She could not sit in silence any longer, she had to swallow her pride for the sake of her siblings.

Thumping on the adjoining door and pushing it open before she received and answer, Neema made her way into the room to the sight of a half naked and slumberous Khan. His heavy lidded eyes watched her with curiosity as the hazel of his eyes flittered to amber and back again.

Grabbing his discarded shirt, he placed it over his body and sat up facing Neema giving her his undivided attention.

"I need your help, can't do this anymore" she sniffled in defeat, rubbing at her raw and red eyes.

Jana had begun to start her night rituals as soon as they had approached the bed for bed time. Though she had not started her crying and clawing, the signs were all there showing Neema that tonight would be no different but she could not take another night like this. Neither of them could. So she swallowed her pride and forced it to remain hidden as she asked Khan Manasseh for help. The great alpha and he was a great alpha.

Though she had never seen him interact with any of his wolves, the way in which he accepted her problem as if it was his own was a very good start to his willingness to sacrifice. She only hoped there was no price she would have to pay for his help.

The second and most profound inkling she got that he was a good alpha or had the potential to become one was the way he commandeered the room and her sibling's attention.

From the moment he entered the room she hared with them their attention had been on him and not the fact that he was sitting on the evil bed that meant sleep. Nor was it on the fact that he was clearly here to force them to sleep, no their attention was all on him and he definitely used it to his advantage.

"I would like to sleep and so would Neema and Caillum, so please ladybug get in the bed and sleep"

His deep baritone soothed the restless Jana for five minutes, enough time for Caillum to make a grab for Jana and place her on the bed before all hell set loose.

Her small hand swiped out in her fear and scratched along Caillum's soft cheek drawing blood from his shocked face. His arms quickly released her as he fell of the bed and began sobbing and rocking erratically, clutching at his bleeding face.

In all the years Neema had been his older sister she had never heard Caillum cry, the boy was the silent sort in everything he did. so to hear his gut wrenching cry caused anger that she had never felt towards any family member. She wanted to throttle Jana for hurting Caillum who had only ever been a good big brother to her and Jana knew it, which was what caused her to start hiccupping as she cried hard in to her skin.

Her tears were drowned out by Caillum's wails, his bloody cheek laying along the chest of his older sister.

"That is enough Jana! You do not hit your brother! Now you get up and apologise now and then you will stop crying and you will go to sleep." His voice ricocheted of the walls and drowned out the crying of both siblings, his dark red eyes glared down at the young girl who continued to shake her head with the tears still dripping down her face.

"I said that is ENOUGH!"

His shout easily beat his first and caused the room to descend into absolute quietness, Neema's eyes pooping open as she bore witness to how he spoke to her frightened and guilty sister. Of course she was angry with Jana but that was no way to speak to her when Khan was part of the reason she could not sleep. She had made a mistake asking him to help and she was prepared to tell him so until he shushed her.

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