Seeds, Part 2

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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

AN/  There are two parts to this chapter so please read part 1 before this one. Hope you enjoy and thanks for voting and commenting.

That seed had been festering in Neema's mind for the whole day until she finally caught up with Khan outside, in that garden of flowers. The moment she saw his face she knew the answer to any question she was going to ask but she had to ask anyway. His thick eyebrows furrowed in a deep frown and his lips were formed in a tight scowl.

His body language was giving her all kinds of signals. His loose hair, evidence to the stress he was obviously feeling. Khan liked structure which meant his hair was always in a bun or a ponytail. The fact it was out was foreboding.

"Where were you?" her voice husked. She couldn't stand to look at him but she had to, the only way she could get over him was to see his reactions.

"What are you taking about?" he replied, hands running through his unbound hair as he paced the garden. His twitching agitating her more.

"Your mate told me Khan, so I'm going to ask you again. Where were you?" her cold brown eyes washed over him in condemnation.

He didn't need to say the words, she knew and the longer he took to tell her the angrier she became. The absolute fury flowing through her veins and pounding through her bloodstream. She was not the only one angry though.

"She is NOT my MATE" he bellowed, spittle flying from his mouth as he raged on. His hands waving in angry motions as he looked at her earnestly. Trying to transmit his emotions onto her.

"She could be, but I won't trust her words flat out so tell me Khan. Tell me" her voice cracked as she pleaded for the truth she deserved. His silence gave more of an answer than his words ever could.

"So that's where you went. Couldn't get any from me so you jumped on the next wanton wolf who- who was waiting with her legs sprawled wide. Well Congratulations, hope it was all it was cracked up to be," her arms flew heavenwards as she finished her tirade.

She could not believe that he would do something so despicable. He was beneath her! No longer deserving of her time or energy. Let him raise Leslie's child, he could mate with the ugly gargoyle all he wanted. She was done with him and his new family.

"And if she isn't your mate then who is? Because I'm not, not after this!" her temper flaring as high as his. All their weeks of closeness disappearing in the span of a minute. He was her arched enemy now, him and that devil spawn of a mate.

"YOU ARE MINE, always Neema. Always" his large hands cupping her face as he tried to portray his frustration.

He couldn't loose her, it just wasn't an option. His thumbs swiped out to wipe one of the stray tears that trickled down her cheeks. The declaration sunk so deeply into Neema's heart she felt it melting into her DNA until his ownership became a fundamental part of who she was. A part of her identity.

"I'm not Khan, because I was never enough. I sacrificed so much for you... So much. My freedom, my pride, my dignity, my chance at love. But you couldn't wait for me. For that I will never be yours"

Her words laced with bitterness and finality. He had ruined any hope she had at being happy with him. Of course he would not let her go, she was his mate not that it meant a lot to him in the first place. Khan would fight for her and his determination would only increase when her condition was revealed.

"What? No Neema you've got this wrong," his hands running through his unbound hair as he tried to think of words to say what was on his mind, "I don't know what she's said but it's lies, Fucking lies," he swore as his fist clenched by his side, his face set in a ferocious scowl. His words a jumbled mess as he meshed words together in his desperation to get his point across.

"Then why'd you smell like her, huh? Answer that, Khan," her hand struck out and punched against his unfaithful chest as she demanded he tell her the truth, give her an explanation. Something, anything.

Her legs were weakening and she felt like crumbling to the ground. The urge to just curl in a ball and loose all composure was prominent in her mind but she was reclaiming her pride and dignity. She would not become that sort of woman. Especially over a man like him.

His knees bent as he begged at her feet for her to understand. His head bowed in despair as he grasped at her waist. His head nuzzling at her stomach. His face dampening her navy jumpsuit. A loud shout by the shaved male interrupted their conversation as he ushered his alpha towards him, his face full of urgency.

"Fuck" bellowed Khan as his hand swung out in frustration as he climbed to his feet, head shaking as he breathed heavy, "I don't have time to explain it now, I have to be somewhere but I swear its lies!" his eyes pleading as he begged her, for the hundredth time in the short time they had known each other. Always an apology, always begging.

"You leave now, Khan and I'm done. Do you hear me?" she shouted but his back was already turning away from her as he began making his way over to the male. Shoulders tense he spun around, running back to her and gripping her face in his hands he implored her to hear his words.

"Please Neema, just trust me," but how could she trust him when all he had ever shown her was how untrustworthy he was. It did not skip her mind that he had avoided her question about the female's scent that embedded its self into his pores.

She needed answers but she was drained, so tired of being manipulated and hurt by him. She was tired of waiting for him to be the man she needed because he never would be, he couldn't even spare her a few moments to save their mating.

Trust him? As if she would. As if she could.

Slapping his hands away from her face, she backed away from. As if he had some sort of contagious disease. It seemed that it always came down to came down to who could provide for him the most. This new female had come along and willingly given him sex and a baby. Whereas with Neema had fought tooth and nail with him from the start.

"Don't touch me! You don't get that right!" she sobbed as tears ran freely down her eyes, "not anymore" she husked out. She did not want to cry just like she did not want to care but being heartless was not in her nature.

She choked on those tears as her hands trying to force his body away from her. She couldn't stand his touch anymore. Every time she thought of him sleeping with another woman and him touching her with same hands made her feel queasy. He had bed hopped like he was a bloody grasshopper.

Running from Neema's bed, submerging himself between the woman's thighs to only end up coming back to her. To think he had been intimate with two separate women in the span of a week. It brought bile to her mouth, literally. Her body leaned over as she upchucked the contents of her stomach, the fluids dribbling from her mouth, along her skin as her throat burned with pain.

"Neema," he cried, his feet getting closer to her hands reaching out to grab her, to touch her.

"Don't, just don't," she whispered, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her jumpsuit and rising to a standing form. Shaking the sick from her boot she looked him dead in the eye, resignation leaking through.

"Just go Khan," she pleaded, roles reversed as she begged him and he stood before her with red rimmed eyes. His frame shaking with his silent tears as he watched his mate crumbling at his actions, his choices.

"Fuck," he cried his hand beating against his thigh as he paced in front of her. The sight of her hunched form as she tried to keep herself together, enough for him to listen to her words. "Fuck," he wept again, "okay, okay" he sighed reluctantly, hand clenching.

"I'll go, but this isn't done," his voice was filled with determination as he wiped at those trailing tears, voice cracking with his need to cry. His head nodded one last time before he marched away from her. Back straight as he headed to that male and continued walking past him until he was out of sight but not out of mind.

It was done. They were done because Neema could not take anymore of this back and forth any longer. She had gone against her sanity, her intuition when she had begun to trust him and this was what it got her. A heavy heart and foot full of bile.

This male was poison, no good could ever come out of their union.

slightly chunkier chapter but i really couldn't split this up

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