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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

Neema was in a daze as she made her way down the corridors, she wasn't even looking for the small roman numerals that indicated what corridor she was in. Her mind was reeling. She had taken the news as graciously as she could but deep down there had been a twisting in her body. She was going to be the mother to Khans heir and it had taken them a little over three weeks to figure that out.

Even worse was that she had just a little over five months to come to grips with being a mother and to figure out how she would deal with three children. It would be hard, ridiculously hard but there was not one child she would give up to make it easier on her.

Even the little ball of cells in her stomach was a child that she would never give up, the baby was hers now, it was part of her family and she would secure their future. With or without Khan her family would have a secure home by the time this baby came to the world.

By the time she had made it back to her room it was 5 o'clock and she had not seen her siblings for a whole day. Had not heard their little laughs or seen their little smiles, she couldn't cope but she definitely felt better. That shot that Emmaline had given her had lived up to its name, she had energy for days.

"Mama, I made drawying" squealed Jana as she attacked Neema as soon as she stepped foot through the door. The picture was mostly scribble with a big dot of blue that was clearly an ocean or some kind of water but Jana was proud of it and that was what mattered. Caillum was close on her toes as he flung himself at her as well.

"Look Neeya, I made a drawing as well." His dark black hair was sprawled all over his face as he shoved a picture in her face. She caught the stank look Jana shot him over her shoulder and she couldn't hep but cry with laughter, her siblings were way too much.

Half carrying them half dragging them over to the bed she plopped down with them as they climbed all over her, hugging and kissing her. She had missed them and they had clearly missed her as well. The difference in them was so much it left her emotional. Caillum was coming out of his shell and Jana's English was getting there. She still had a long way to go but her words were negligible.

"I love you guys." She murmured as she hugged them to her chest, this was the only chance she got to cuddle with them while they were awake because normally they were on the go. Running around causing havoc and loving life.

As if she heard her thoughts, Jana wiggled from Neema's arms and clambered back off the bed as she headed back over to the pencils that were on the floor.

"Love you more Neeya" whispered Caillum as he sighed into her arms, his black locks snuggling into her chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. Caillum was such a soft soul who had been through way too much for his age, there was a soft spot in her heart that she would always have for her little brother.

"Khan has invited all of you to dinner." Called Sahina as she made her way out of the bathroom, the sound of the flushing toilet almost drowning out her words.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she sat up from the spot she was laying in, Caillum still glued to her chest as his violet ringed blue eyes shuttered closed. His chubby cheeks squishing as he sunk his face into her chest.

"Dinner huh, why am I not surprised." Khan was definitely better now.

He was back to calling shots and making demands of her and her family, he'd had the whole day to plot his next moves and Neema was not surprised at his choice. The best way to shake up Neema was to threaten her family and though he hadn't quite done it he had reminded her that he could. They were all under his control.

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