The Day After

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December 17th

The next morning I woke up around I'd say 11:00, my Christmas break started yesterday so I don't go back to school for another two weeks.

I checked my phone and scrolled through Tiktok which is flooded with Draco edits. I kinda forgot that he's here. I explained the whole movie and book thing to him, how am I supposed to tell him people make edits, povs, and fanfics about him? How am I supposed to tell him I wrote fanfic about him once?!

Okay maybe I don't tell him about my fanfic, that shit was god awful, and not to mention I wrote it on paper.

I got up and went over to my closet. Grabbed the first sweatshirt I saw. I didn't even notice that it was the one that said Slytherin on it. I put it on and walked out of my room and to my surprise, Draco was standing in the doorframe of the guest room.

"Morning," he said lowly and I jumped in fear and went to my knees.

"Jesus, Malfoy you scared the shit out of me" I got up from the floor and dusted myself off.

"Where did you get that?" He pointed at my sweatshirt.

"I got it at an amusement park" he looked at me confused.

"I guess that's another thing for you to tell me huh?" He raised a brow.

I nodded. "There's a lot of things Malfoy"

I walked past him and went into the kitchen to grab myself something to drink. I could sense that he was standing right behind me.

"So you're a Slytherin? How'd you find that out?" He asked

"I took a quiz... it gave me Slytherin.." I turned around to look at him, well look up at him. He was leaning up against my kitchen island with his arms crossed.

"Are you just saying that because you know it's my house?" He said with his signature smirk on his face.

"I'm in Slytherin because we're ambitious, I have big dreams and I wanted to be in Slytherin because that's considered the evil house, though we're not and they don't take peoples crap...not because of you Malfoy" I laughed and patted his shoulder.

He seemed hurt over my comment. I feel bad but maybe it can crush that ego of his. "I don't believe you" he whispered to me.

"You better believe it Blondie...something funny about it is I used to be a Hufflepuff"

Okay, I was 9 and I took the test with a friend and I had no idea what I was doing.

He started laughing at me, Let's not slander the Hufflepuffs now. "Ha okay that makes more sense" he snickered.

"Hey, I have just as many Hufflepuff qualities just as Slytherin" I huffed.

"Oh yeah well is being an unbearable mudblood one of them" he scoffed.

Yeah, fuck no that just pissed me off. My mom is in the shower so I can yell at him all I want right now. I grabbed him by his shirt collar and brought his face to mine.

"Listen here're in my house and you don't know how to get back to where you are gonna treat me and my momma with the respect you hear me! You're stuck with us....I'll make your time here miserable if I want to!" I let go of his collar and shoved him away from me.

"Wow Hills...I guess you are a Slytherin " he looked at me and winked. Literally, I'm dying inside he's so hot. I really want to give in but I'm not going to. "Well since you threatened me...I'm sorry" he said.

11:11  •Draco Malfoy•Where stories live. Discover now