Lucid Cafe

3 1 0

February 8th


I'm asking Morgan to that formal thing today. I'm not nervous about her saying yes...because I know she'll say yes, not to be cocky, but I know she will. I planned to ask her out on a date...we've never been on one. We've been together for almost two months and have had no real date. But this isn't just the first date or just asking her to the formal...I got her a promise ring. It's green which is her favorite color, and it has a gold band on it.

Kristina is dropping me and Morgan off at Raelynn's father's cafe. Morgan isn't aware of the fact I'm taking her out yet it's fifth period so now is probably a good time.

I stayed behind leaving 4th period and went to the restroom. Earned myself an evil glare from that shit hole Tyler. When I went up to the gym Morgan had her back turned to me. So I ran up from behind her, wrapped her up in my arms, and spun her around. She let out a whelp which then turned into that laugh that I had missed for days.

"You two are so cute" I heard Amy say off to the side. I didn't acknowledge her. I was too busy basking in Morgan's horrendous, but cute laugh.

"What's up with you? You seem overly happy?" Morgan questioned.

I leaned my arm up against the wall. I'll never get over how small she is compared to me "You know Hills...I've never taken you out on a date before...I know you don't have plans because we live together. So you're going on a date with me tonight" I smirked down at her. She was blushing like crazy and the amount of joy I felt seeing her face light up was intoxicating.

She didn't even respond to me. All she did was throw herself into me, almost knocking me down. "OHMYGODIMSOEXCITED"

"Use your words darling" I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear that was dangling in her face.

"I said oh my god I'm so excited" she showed off a cheeky smile and kissed me.


Morgan is unaware of where I'm taking her. Nor is she aware of my plans for tonight. Kristina knows, she's ecstatic. She told me that I make Morgan happy and she told me to always take care of her, which I will.

Kristina dropped us off at Raelynn's father's Cafe.

"Draco? Where are we?" Morgan asked.

"This is Raelynns fathers cafe...she's letting us have the roof for the night" her face lit up when I told her.

Raelynn made signs that pointed us in which direction we needed to go to get to the roof of the building. In the back of the cafe, there was a ladder that went up to the roof.

"After you" I gestured my hands towards the ladder. Morgan went up it and I followed. Got a nice view of her ass on the way up too.

When we reached the top I was almost as shocked as she was. Raelynn had strung fairy lights all around the place. She sat up a little table and chairs. Which was already set with coffee. It was warm so she must've fixed that up quickly.

"So what do you think?" I hesitantly asked.

"It's perfect!" She said as she jumped into my arms.

Raelynn made something called a playlist. Apparently, It's a bunch of music all together on one CD, Whatever a CD is. I found this CD laying next to the radio that Raelynn promised me would be there. I do know what a radio is. Only because Morgan is always listening to it. I grabbed it and handed it to her. I know she'll know what to do with it.

"Did you make me a cd?" Her eyes twinkled.

"Darling you know I barely know what that is" I laughed. "Raelynn made it for us."

She went over to the radio and put in the cd. I was quite fascinated by how it just went inside it. She pressed some buttons and a song started playing. I feel like I've heard it before.

"Have I heard this before?" I raised a brow.

"Yes you's Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls"

That's the song that played in her dad's car. That was the night I realized-realized that'd she end up being the death of me.

She had already sat down in one of the chairs. I was not about to have that. So I stuck my hand out for Morgan to grab.

"What are you doing?" She looked up at me.

"Come dance with me" I waved my hand out again.

" know I can't dance"

"And you know I don't care, take my hand."

She rolled her eyes with a smile on her face and took my hand. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I placed my hands on her hips.

"This feels familiar? Doesn't it?" I whispered.

"Way too familiar...good thing you're not an ass to me anymore" she giggled.

"What? I was never an ass to you" I laughed sarcastically, trying to cover up what I knew exactly she was talking about.

"Yes, you were!" She laughed.

"Oh come on Hills, didn't your mother ever tell you that when a boy is rude to a girl it means he fancies her." I raised a brow. She blushed.

"You know I didn't just take you on this date because I wanted to take you on I date." She looked at me with confusion.

"Morgan...if you'll have me...I'd be honored to go to that formal with you." Her expression was of shock until it turned into a smile.

"Of course," she said before breaking our dance and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"There's one more thing" she pulled away from me and stared with confusion again.

I reached for my pocket and pulled out the box with the ring in it. It was just a small black velvet box, but I know she doesn't care about the boxes. She couldn't even speak. All I knew was she was about to start bawling because her eyes glistened from the fairy lights.

"Morgan ever since you came into my life...God, I don't think I can picture you not ever being in it. You've made me realize so many things about this world. That blood doesn't matter, that none of it matters. Darling, I have meant every word I've said. That I want to show you the library at my manor, that I want to marry you, that I want to have kids with you. So this a promise. That I will replace it for an engagement day."

I grabbed her hand and slipped the ring on her finger, tears were falling down her face. She glanced down at her hand and sighed.

"Do you like it?" I asked nervously. Before she answered, she planted a kiss on my lips, then pulled away and rested her forehead against mine.

"I love it"

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