First Day Back

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10:55 pm

It's been about a week since Christmas and it's finally New Years. I would probably usually say that this year has sucked, but the last few weeks made up for it.

"Morgan, I know it's New Year's but I'm going to bed " my mom yawned "I know you two are gonna stay up...just don't do anything stupid," she glared at me and Draco.

"We won't...night momma"

My mom went into her room with Phoebe. As soon as she shut the door I shot up from the couch, grabbed Draco's wrist, and took off to my room.

"Morgan, what are you doing?" He laughed as I shut my bedroom door behind us.

"We're gonna watch Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" I exclaimed.

"Morgan... I have no idea what that is" He stated matter of factly.

"Oh it's like a countdown to the new year, there this ball that drops and there are performers and all that stuff "

"That all sounds lovely darling, but I was hoping maybe we could...put in the flash drive"

Well, I wasn't expecting this tonight "Y-Yeah umm we can" I grabbed my computer. Draco handed me the flash drive and I put it in.

"So what do you want to start with?" I asked staring at my screen, hovering over the folder with everything in it.

"Umm, how about those weird text message things?"

I laughed at his statement. "You're so cute you're like an old person" He rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

I clicked on the file and it opened all the screenshots of any text I had sent with Draco's name used in it. As he went through the first text his expressions varied. Sometimes he'd smile, then he'd frown, or he'd smirk.

"Wow you are one naughty dog aren't you?" He bit his lip and smirked at me.

"Draco Malfoy!" I playfully slapped his arm. "So...those things you said about you want me to do that with you?"

I'm freaking out. He knows that I wanna do it with him. "Y-yes"

"Why don't we do it right now?" he whispered sexily in my ear.

I stuttered. "D-Draco I- I'm not ready yet"

"That's okay...darling whenever you're ready...I'm ready"

"You've never you know done it before right?" I know that's a personal question, but I wanna know if he actually does all those things I read on Wattpad.

"No, I haven't. Believe me, I had the chance to but as you know I wasn't into Pansy. I want the first time to be with someone special "

He brushed his thumb over my cheek. " are that someone special" Oh my god. Draco Malfoy wants to take my virginity! and he wants me to take his! Look at us, two virgins.

"'re my someone special too"

I looked down at my phone and the time read 11:11.

"Huh it's 11:11" I pretended to look unamused.

"You gonna make a wish?"

"I can't" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why not?" He questioned.

"Because it already came true"


For the next hour or so me and Draco continued to read my old text and he read a few new ones. Surprisingly I've still found a way to talk about him to my friends without letting them know he's actually in my house. They're gonna kill me when they find out.


"Draco it's almost a new year" I whispered to him. We were standing in my room. I made him listen to a few of my favorite songs. Perfect by Ed Sheeran is one, and even though I suck at it. I made him dance with me.

I looked at my TV at the countdown I looked into Draco's eyes as the timer went down from 10.

As the clock hit midnight I leaned in and Draco became my first New Year's kiss. He decided to have some fun with it and he slipped his tongue in my mouth, he even nipped my bottom lip in the process.

And it was fucking hot.

"So, what do you want to accomplish this year?" Draco flung himself onto my bed...carefully.

"I kinda want to read more"

"What do you want to read?"

"Well, I do have all of the books you're in... I still haven't finished the first one" I'm still on sorcerer's stone...what I have had very little time on my hands.

"You would love it at my manor. I mean it is dark and gloomy, but we have this library and I just know you'd have a field day looking for a book" he said while looking up at the ceiling.

"What's your favorite genre?" I asked as a lay down next to him

"You know this might shock you...but I do love poetry"

"wow never took you as a poetry lover " He has to be the hottest person I've ever met.

"Tis better to have loved, than never have loved at all." Draco quoted.

"How do you know that?" That's a muggle did he get away with that.

"shh," He put his finger to my lips. "If you ever meet my do not bring this up" He laughed.

"Draco Your parents hate my kind...they'd kill me."

His smile faded. "I Wouldn't let that happen darling you know that" He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and kissed my nose. "Morgan...Tu es l'être le plus étonnant, le plus incroyable, le plus beau que j'aie jamais rencontré"

I lifted my head and looked at him in confusion "Huh?" I squinted at him.

"I said You are the most amazing, most incredible, most beautiful being I have ever met"

My eyes began to water "Hey why are you crying" he said in a whisper.

"I-it's just...I never thought I would have you in my life. Draco do you remember when I told you the day we met...that you have helped me in ways you will never know"

"I think so...yeah"

"Draco you healed my broken heart. Let's just say something happened that really messed me up...and when I saw you on that just managed to help me move on...and now you're here. And I couldn't have it any other way"

"'s okay" he took his thumb and rubbed under my eye to wipe my tears away. He kissed my forehead and brought me in close to him. I laid my head on his chest as he drew lines up and down my back.

I could stay like this forever...

if only forever was an option.

11:11  •Draco Malfoy•Where stories live. Discover now