Emerald Green Dress

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February 12th


Today's the day of the formal. I'm going over to Lia's to get ready. Momma's doing my hair before I leave. I'm not getting ready in the same house as Draco. He's Been bugging me for days about seeing what dress I'm wearing, but I told him he's going to have to wait.

I waited for the curling wand to heat up in my mom's bathroom. In the meantime, I brushed my teeth.

"Why do you have to go over to Winters's house?" Draco whined. "I want to see you in your dress now"

"For the last time Draco, No!" I said with my toothbrush hanging out of my mouth.

"Why not!" He continued to whine like the fucking baby he is.

I grunted and spit the toothpaste into the sink. "Because I want it to be a surprise, this is an experience for the both of us. If I want this to be a surprise for you, you're just gonna have to deal with that" I walked over to him and cupped his face in my hands.

"Fine" he rolled his eyes.

"It'll be worth the wait...I promise" I smiled before placing my lips on his.


After I got my hair done. Momma dropped me off at Lia's. Alycia and Chloe were getting ready there as well. The dress I'm wearing is the same dress Draco picked out for me months ago. It's the little emerald green one.

I haven't gotten to wear it yet and I figured tonight would be perfect. I want to knock his socks off. I also really hope he'll take me out of it tonight.

Chloe wore red, Alycia was in this pretty purple, and Lia had black and gold. They all put their dresses on before me. I guess I was nervous to put it on. For just normal homecoming I wore red and it was kinda flowy, it had sleeves and it didn't show cleavage.

And this dress is tight, my boobs are out and my ass is close to falling out the back.

"Morgan hurry the fuck up" Lia yelled from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Okay hold on just...brace yourselves" I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door. All three of my besties' heads turned.

"Holy shit!" Alycia's mouth was on the floor.

"Morgan, you look so pretty!" Chloe smiled.

"Thank you" I laughed.

"If that fucking ferret doesn't wife you one-day imma beat his ass" Lia made a fist with her hand and started swinging it around. I playfully rolled my eyes.

We're all gonna go eat Chinese. It's me, Draco, Lia, Alycia, Chloe, Raelynn, Dani, Addison, Amy, Chris, Xander, Sam, and Donavin. Raelynn and Addison found dates; they're both from different schools. Their names are Timmy and Kit. All of the guys are taking a limo to the restaurant, as are us girls and we're all gonna merge into one after dinner.

The limo picked up Addison, Raelynn, Dani, and Amy first, then came to Lia's to pick the four of us up.

When we hopped into the limo everyone's faces dropped.

"You all look hot!" Addison exclaimed. The four of us sent smiles her way and we drove off.



I glanced down at my watch and it read exactly 6:00, the bloody formal is at 7:00.

"God, where are they? They should've been here by now."

"Bro just calm down...I know you're losing your fucking shit right now, but you just have to wait." Chris snapped at me for being impatient.

"Chris, I'm surprised you're not losing your damn mind as well...considering the fact even though you and Amy aren't together...I know you still want to see her in that dress more than anything"

Chris then shot me a dirty look. Followed by a "fuck you"

With all of us standing around everyone got impatient. Including the bloke who told me to stop whining about it. Finally, the girl's limo pulled up to the side of the curb. Each girl came out one by one, but Morgan had not come out yet.

When Winters stepped out of the limo she shot me a wink, and I as soon as she stepped out. My jaw dropped.

She was gorgeous, god words can't even explain it. The way her mother styled her hair earlier was still intact. Freshly done makeup, even though I never thought she needed it. She's wearing the dress I bought her. She's trying to kill me. The way it hugged her figure made her short legs look longer. Not to mention the height she has because of those heels. She looked stunning...she is stunning.

I ranked my fingers through my hair with nervousness. I don't know how I can handle her walking around in this dress all night long. She walked over to me and placed a chaste kiss on my cheek.

"What do you think?" She asked with a grin on her face.

"I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on"

I heard a few aww's from behind me and it was all of mine and Morgan's stupid friends. All the guys looked like they were about to throw up.

"Oh piss off there's nothing wrong with me showing a little affection to my girlfriend is there?"

"It's just weird...Morgan and Tyler mixed like a cat in water...so seeing this lovey-dovey shit is weird" Sam said with the cringiest look on his face.

Once he said that I took advantage of it to piss them off. I grabbed the sides of Morgan's face and kissed her harshly. It wasn't meant to be passionate, it was meant for fun. I slipped my tongue past her lips. So fast she didn't even see it coming and she gagged. She pulled away from me with her eyes wide and her cheeks red.

"Oh my god!" Lia groaned.

"Let's go eat before I lose any more of my appetite" she rolled her eyes before making her way toward the door of the restaurant with the rest of the group.

"Wow that was something" Morgan managed to finally say something after my little outburst.

"Oh trust me darling there's more where that came from" I gave her a smirk followed by a wink. She placed her hands on my shoulder and went towards my ear.

"Will you show me where it came from?" She whispered.

"Don't I always?"

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