Spoken Feelings

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10:50 am

I haven't slept like this in months. I usually wake up early. Just from the old Hogwarts routine, but I think it's because I had Morgan up against me the whole night. I didn't notice at first, but I had my head in the crook of her next and my arm draped over her waist...oh god we were spooning.

Merlin fuck, how did I let this happen? I'm not upset or anything just...anxious. God the way her body just fits perfectly with mine. I wonder how it would feel if we-

No, no block it out don't do that.

I gently removed my arm from her waist and slowly slipped off the bed. When I walked out of my room I saw Morgan's mom sitting on the couch, which she quickly jumped up from at the sight of me. "Explain to me why Morgan is in your room. Now!"

I'm going to die. She's gonna kill me. I'm done for. Okay just breathe it'll be okay. God the women can be vicious at times.

"S-she had a dream last night that I- that I killed her. She woke me up at 2:30 this morning crying because of it... I was just comforting her. I told her she could stay in my room last night if she wanted to. We didn't do anything I swear" I kinda lied. I mean I kissed her head and nose... that was it. Nothing more

"I swear to god Draco if you're lying to me!" She yelled.

"I'm not lying," I said quietly as I knew Morgan was still asleep


I woke up in Draco's room. I was sleeping so well that I forgot where I was. I felt so...safe ... Draco was showing me that everything was fine and that nothing was going to happen. He held me tight like he was determined to keep me safe. To think I've been lying to him and myself this entire time. I just have to forget it. We can't be together. We haven't even tried to get him back to Hogwarts since he got here.

I heard yelling coming from the living room. I swear to god if my mom is yelling at him because of me sleeping in here. I got up and quietly walked out into the hall and hid behind the wall

"Kristina, she was scared out of her mind I was making sure she was okay! " Draco explained to my mom.

"By cozying up to her! I'm not going to allow that! I don't want you to hurt her, I can't stand to see her like that again! Tell me what's going on between you two...Now!"

" You wanna know what's going on? For the past three days, I've been trying to hide my feelings for your daughter, but I'm tired of hiding them. I can't do it anymore. It's fucking killing me! I think Morgan's the most beautiful girl I've ever met! Her kindness is impeccable! Her laugh is infectious! I care more for your daughter than I do myself, Kristina!"

I stepped out from behind the wall I was behind and walked out into the living room "Is that true Draco?" I asked him...I felt tears in my eyes.

His neck nearly snapped when he turned around to look at me "Y-Yes...it is" He looked embarrassed.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked him.

"Y-Yeah" he quickly shuffled over to me and we went into my room

"Morgan..." He started before I cut him off.

"Draco...did you mean all of that?"

He looked down at the ground. "I- I did"

I started to cry, I didn't think I'd be crying over this. He just confessed his feelings to me and I'm crying?

"Hey, hey, why are you crying? Hey look at me" Draco held my face.

"Draco we can't...we won't work... you can't stay here we have to find a way to get you back home" I held his hands as tears were rolling down my face.

"Morgan no one would miss me if I was gone" He sighed.

"Draco you play a more important role in your world than you think that's why you need to leave" I tried to regain my composure. I think those words came out a little harsher than intended.

"Fine then..."

He let go of my face and walked out of my room.

"Draco...Draco wait!" He went to the front door and opened it and walked out. I followed him. He was standing in the driveway.

"Draco stop! It's cold come inside" I stood in the driveway in the cold, I don't even have shoes on.

"Oh so now you want me to go inside huh? Now you want me to stay!" He mocked. God, he gets on my nerves.

"Draco I never said I wanted you to leave, believe me, I want you to stay, more than anything, but you have to go back or everything will be messed up." Fresh tears were welling up in my eyes; just begging to roll down my cheeks.

"Morgan I can't go back...I- I just can't"

I'm trying to think about what could be going on back in the Wizarding World. Then it hit me."Draco what year at Hogwarts are you in?" I asked lowly.


Well, now I know what's going on.

"Draco let me see your arm" I walked closer to him.

"Morgan no..stop" He pulled away from me.

"I don't want you to see it" He held his arm where the mark is.

"He marked you, didn't he? You're a death eater...So this is why you don't wanna go back?" My voice was shaking. I didn't even think about that, he's a kid, and he doesn't know much more than I do. He doesn't deserve this.

"Morgan-" I cut him off by moving my arms to try to wrap them around him but he flinched away from me.

"W-What did you think I was gonna hurt you?" I asked in a hushed voice. He came back close to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a deep and meaningful embrace. Trying to comfort him In the way he did for me. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around my torso and held me tight. He put his head in the crook of my neck.

"Morgan, that's not why I don't want to go back," he said while breaking our hug.

"Then why don't you-"

Draco planted a soft kiss on my lips before I could even finish my sentence. Sparks were flying everywhere, it was almost like I could feel some sort of magic in the air. I couldn't believe it, I've wanted this since he came out of my closet. I was having my first kiss with the boy I never thought I would have.

"Morgan I can't go back because I- I don't want to leave you... Morgan I-I'm pretty sure you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I pulled him back into me, this kiss was flooded with more passion more feelings. Our bodies molded together, and I thought that this morning, but now I know for a fact that we're the perfect mold for each other. He broke the kiss and placed his forehead against mine.

"Draco you've been the best thing that's happened to me for a long time"

He wrapped me up in his arms and spun me around. I feel like the only girl in the world. I smiled into his shoulder and then pulled away "You're the most amazing girl in the world...how did I get so lucky"

How did I get so lucky? 

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