Bob Haired Bitch

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Pansy had got a little too close to my face. She's a little bit taller than me, but size doesn't matter.

"Pansy...back up off me, please" I gritted my teeth.

"Or what? Mudblood? " she hissed. I took my body and lightly backed her off of me. I didn't even lay a finger on her.
She took both of her hands and pushed me backward into a bookcase. Oh, how I've always wanted to punch this bitch in the face.

"Oh, that's it! Come here bitch!" I pushed away from the bookcase, grabbed Pansy by that stupid fucking black Bob, and just absolutely knocked the shit out of her.

"Damn!" Theo and Blaise said in unison.

Me and Pansy were both throwing punches at each other, well I was throwing punches and she was slapping. I expected more from her.

Pansy grabbed me by my shoulders and forced me down onto the ground. She got on top of me and hit me in any place that she could. I raised my hands to shield my face.

"You stupid fucking bitch do you know who I am?" Pansy stopped hitting me and she started to move her hands to my neck, but I grabbed her wrists before she could get to me.
I then rolled her off of me, to where I was on top of her. "I don't give a shit who you are"

Theo and Blaise were just watching us fight, doing nothing to stop this madness. Both of us were covered in our own blood.
I was sick of it, I didn't even know what I was thinking. Out of the corner of my eye, sitting on top of the desk, there was a letter opener. Without hesitation I grabbed it.

When I went to bring my armed hand down to Pansy, Theo rushed in and pulled me off of her. Blaise went over to Pansy and pulled her up to her feet. I looked down and my hand and saw the sharp object, and I dropped it. I went to my knees crying in hysterics.

Theo went down with me, trying to pull me up. "Come on Hills, I need you to stand up." He whispered. I managed to pull myself up, with a little help from Theo. He wrapped his arm around me and walked me down the hall to Draco's room.

"What the hell happened?" Matteo was standing in the hall with his foot propped up against the wall, a cigarette in hand.

"Fight broke out," Theo said flatly.

"Who started it?" Matteo took a puff out of the cigarette and blew it our way.

"Pansy," Theo said in an aggravated tone.

Matteo nodded. "Of course"

Theo pulled me into Draco's room and kicked the door close. He sat me on the bed and then left for the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I said with shaky breaths.

He then came back with a wet rag and sat down next to me.

"What were you thinking Hills?" He asked sternly.

"Please don't call me Hills." I sighed.

He looked at me with confusion. "Why not? I mean, it is your family name is it not?" I stared at him and took a deep breath.

"Draco's the only one to ever call me by my last name" Theo just nodded.

He took the rag and gently wiped all the places that had blood gushing out.

"I don't know what I was thinking..." my voice cracked. "I'd never meant to hurt someone like that. Ever! I've felt different since I got here, and I just don't know what to do. I can't help but feel like I'm fighting for my life"

Theo removed the rag from my face. " Look I know I can't comfort you like how Draco does, but just know I'm here for you." He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I thought you hated muggles? I'm surprised you haven't called me a slur yet" I let out a weak laugh.

Theo smiled. "Me and Blaise aren't into that prejudice shit. Pansy isn't either, it's just an act to her. We're all people at the end of the day." He got up from that bed and went towards the door. When he opened it we both heard moans.

"Oh, god-yes Matteo!"

Me and Theo both had a look of disgust on our faces.
"Well looks like we know who helped out Pansy"

I laughed.

"The girl almost got herself killed today because she was stupid, Now she's getting her back blown out?" Theo made a pretty good point; I gave him the best smile I could.

"Take care Morgan"

"Thanks, Theo"

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