The Meeting

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Some weeks later


"So basically you're saying we can apparate back home?" I crossed my arms in a very unamused way.

"I'm thinking we can, once we stepped through the cabinet and came out of Morgan's closet, we were able to apparate anywhere we wanted once we were here," Potter explained.

"I just don't understand how we're supposed to get her back," Raelynn said while fidgeting with her anxiety ring.

"We try the closet...we try and see if we can step through it, and step out of the vanishing cabinet" Potter seems very optimistic about his theories, I think he's spreading a bunch of bullshit.

The collective group of all of us sat in silence, some of us thinking about speaking up, others just thinking to themselves.

"I've got it!" Granger blurted. "I just remembered I brought floo powder just in case we needed it. Maybe we can throw it down in the closet and It'll work."

"Hermione that's brilliant!" Ginny exclaimed.

"I agree with Gin, but how do we know if it'll work?" Longbottom asked

"We don't, but we need to try. I would ask for a volunteer, but I'm certain Malfoy will have first dibs." Granger gave me a glare, unsure if she meant to be threatening.

Granger had the powder in a small bag, she sat it on my dresser no sooner than it touched the wood I grabbed it and ran out of my room and into Morgan's

"Malfoy!" Potter yelled and followed behind me. "Malfoy what are you doing?"

I opened up Morgan's closet and stepped in it. "I'm going to get my girlfriend back," I said sternly.

I grabbed a handful of the floo and powder, tossed the bag to potter.

"Hogwarts," I said as I threw the powder down at my feet.

The next thing I knew I was there in the room of requirement, standing in front of the vanishing cabinet. I ran out of there as soon as I could, but I didn't know where to go. No sooner than I stepped out of the room of requirement, a tall figure was in front of me.

"Mr. Malfoy" the low voice drawled out.

"P-professor Snape"

"What a...surprise, considering your...absence"

"Professor look I know all of this looks bad, but you have to listen to me there's this-"

"Girl? I'm aware of her presents, come with me Draco"

I swallowed hard and Snape brought me into Dumbledore's office. Being back at Hogwarts feels...different. I'm so used to seeing the different roads Morgan lives around and none of the scenery looks like this. Nowadays this place seems dark, gloomy, and full of despair.

"Ah, Mr.Malfoy, I'm very pleased to know your presence is back in our world," Dumbledore spoke with a grin.

"H-how do you know a-about that?" I Stuttered.

"Mr. Malfoy...I know everything, I know that the girl made a wish about you and it came true because it brought you to her. I know that you grew rather fond of the girl very quickly, and I know how much you care about her. I've seen everything."

I coughed at him saying everything
"Everything? As in you saw...everything"

"Yes, everything, now I know what you're getting at and, no I saw nothing of the two of you's intimacies, but I saw the way you looked at her, and the way you held her...I know you love the girl Draco, and I also know that you're scared."

I inhaled and then exhaled deeply. " I do love her, and no I'm not scared...I'm bloody terrified. My father and bat-crazy aunt took her; I don't know where she is. She-she could be dead for all I know. I just-I just need to know she's okay."

Dumbledore, who was standing behind his desk, descended the stairs. He came within arm's length of me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Draco, I promise you we will find her, and I think I know a good place to start." He gave me a sympathetic smile, and all I did was nod.


"Morgan darling, are you ready?" Narcissa said, waltzing into Draco's room. Today I have my first...meeting. I'm terrified of the things that could happen today. The first interaction I had with him I took the mark, not to mention I don't think I'd ever been closer to death at that moment more than I have in my entire life.

"I think so," I said softly.

Narcissa grabbed my hand and we made our way down the stairs to the dining room. I took a seat next to Pansy and Theo. I've gotten to know Theo over these few weeks. I've kinda made amends with Pansy, but not really.

Not long after I arrived in the dining room, Voldemort made his grand entrance, along with Bellatrix by his side.

"Ah, I see the mudblood has joined us today" Bellatrix mocked. Voldemort smacked his wand against her arm, causing her to jump.

"Now, now, Bellatrix, the girl is one of us. We should not use those foul least not in her presents." He smiled at me, and I wanted to vomit.

"Now, Miss Hodnett...I have a little task for you. Since Draco was unable to fulfill it."

I gulped. "W-what is lord?"

"I want you to kill Dumbledore"

I felt everything around me stop. I can't do this! I can barely use a wand, much less use it to kill someone! Draco couldn't even do it, what makes him think I can? I thought with Draco being with me would save people, that it would save everyone...but I guess I was wrong.

Voldemort walked around the long table over to me. He placed his wand close to my neck and moved my hair out of my face with it. "Miss Hodnett? Can you do that for us? It's fine if you cannot but the consequences may be severe."

"I-I can try" I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. I can't do it, I need to find a way out of this.

"Very good, Now the young bunch you are dismissed."

Me, Pansy, Blaise, Theo, and Matteo all got up from the table. The boys all went to the library and Pansy started to go upstairs. I need a plan, and I can't talk to Theo or Blaise about it cause they're with the dark lord's offspring. I guess Pansy is my only option.

I followed her up the stairs as quietly as I could, and right as I reached the door to Draco's room I grabbed her by her wrist and tugged her in there with me.

"What the hell-" she started before I muffled her voice with my hand over her mouth.

"I need you to help me"

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