The Christmas Party

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December 17th

The three of us got in the car. I decided to sit in the back seat with Draco. I feel like we could...I don't know get closer or whatever by doing this. I took the aux cord and plugged my phone into it. I went to my Spotify and clicked shuffle on my playlist, which has a picture of Tom Felton on it. Shocker right?

"Is that me?" Draco asked, raising a brow at my phone and then at me.

"No, it's Tom Felton. That's the actor that...well you are'' I squinted trying to think if I said that right.

The first song that came on was King of my Heart by Taylor Swift.

"What is this?" Draco scoffed and crossed his arms.

"It's Taylor Swift and as long as you're here you will learn to love and appreciate her" I slightly raised my voice at him, which earned a nasty glare from my mother through the rearview mirror. What? Taylor is the best I'll defend her at all costs.

We arrived at the Christmas Party which was held at some museum. Me and my mom helped pass out things for the children attending. It was nonstop go go go. Draco helped a little, he mainly sat there, but he seemed overwhelmed so I understand.

Once we finished that we found a table and went and got food. Everything you could imagine was there. My mom talked to her friend Emily who's also her boss and of course, I got wrapped in the conversations they were having.

"Aww Morgan, who's this handsome boy you have here? Ah, is this your boyfriend?" Emily teased. I felt my cheeks heat up and I almost broke out into a sweat.

"Oh no we're just-" I looked at Draco and he looked at me "We're friends...just friends," I said. Do I wanna be that? no not at all. Does he know that? No. Is he gonna know that? Absolutely fucking not.

"Let's go sit down okay?" I whispered into Draco's ear, and he darted off to the first table he could see that didn't have many people there.

"Well that conversation was...awkward" he let out a weak little laugh.

"Sorry about that. You know how adults can be, especially moms" I said to him while shoving a chicken finger down my throat.

"Why'd you look at me like that when she asked what we were?"

I almost spit out my food. "Oh Umm well I mean we're not like together, so I just said we're friends, but when really we're acquaintances. I mean we met yesterday" I shrugged. Even though earlier today I wouldn't have said either of those options since he was being a little piss ant.

My mom and Emily came over to our table and started talking to us. Draco did talk a little, of course, he can't share much about himself because of where he's from, but I've got to admit I was proud of him. The DJ stopped playing Christmas music and started to play a slow song. Draco got up out of his chair and tapped my shoulder.

I pulled another chicken figure away from my mouth. "What?" I asked.

"Come dance with me" he stuck his hand out for me to grab.

"Draco I- I can't dance" I tried to make an excuse, This will kill me mentally.

"So what? Just come dance with me" He pushed on for me to take his hand.

"Fine" I threw my chicken finger down on my plate. What a waste...even if I already had like four.

He pulled me onto the dance floor. The song playing was When I Look at you by Miley Cyrus. Totally not a song I've fantasized about at this moment too. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. He kept them up pretty high which I'm glad about. I don't want my mom yelling at me and I don't know how I'd feel about it. He looked deeply into my eyes and I did the same to him.

"Your eyes are beautiful." He mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

"I- I didn't say anything'' he shrugged.

I heard what he said.

Wow, Draco Malfoy thinks my eyes are beautiful...This has to be one of the best moments of my entire life.


Watching Morgan and Draco dance, warmed my heart. I know how much she's been obsessed with him these past few months. It makes me happy to see that he's a person in her life now. No matter how weird this whole thing is.

"Are you sure they're not together?" Emily asked me as I kept my eyes on my daughter.

"No, but trust me they will, she likes him," I said to her.

"Well does he like her?" She asked.

"I don't know. They haven't known each other long, but some things there...I can feel it"


The party was over and we were finally home. My mom went straight to her room and Draco walked me to mine. Even though we're right across the hall from each other. I opened my door and we stopped in front of the doorframe

"Thanks for dancing with me Hills" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thank you for asking me." I hard.

I heard a crackling sound from above and I looked up and saw mistletoe coming out of the door frame. Is he doing this?

"Ha you're funny Malfoy" I was about to just walk into my room, but I decided on something. I went up to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. I figured I'd at least give him something, hell I figured I'd give myself something.

"Goodnight Malfoy "

"Goodnight Hills"

Draco walked out of my room and shut my door. I fell backward onto my bed with a smile on my face. God this isn't supposed to be real! He said my eyes were beautiful, he asked me to dance with him.

"I can't believe it," I said to myself. Let's just say I'm going to sleep well tonight.


Tonight was...nice, I guess. I don't know how I feel about this girl. She's...different, I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad different. When I did that spell on her door frame I didn't expect her to actually give in. I'll admit she surprised me. I feel like I'll be stuck here awhile, so I might as well make the most of it. I was hopeful being here away from it all would get me better sleep.

It does not.

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