I Want To Get To Know You

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December 19th

Today is my dad's birthday. He knows about the whole Draco situation. He's not thrilled. He hates his character. My dad told me personally if he was real, he'd pop him. I'm manifesting that does not happen. Since my dad's meeting him today.

My mom dropped me and Draco off at my dad's house. They live just down the road from each other. It's very convenient. We walked through the door of mine and my dad's house. Draco seemed nervous, he's seen pictures of my dad, and let's just say he does look threatening, but don't let that fool you.

I saw my dad get up from the couch. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him. "Happy birthday daddy," I said.

Draco was standing off to the side with his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you, sweetie," he hugged me back. Once the hug was over my dad took a deep breath and huffed it out. He was looking dead at Draco. I think Draco shit himself to be honest.

"I- uh Draco Malfoy sir" Draco stuck his hand out for my dad to shake. To my surprise, my dad took him up on the offer.

"I know who you are...I'm Ryan" Draco let out a sigh of relief from the contact with my dad.

We led Draco upstairs to my old toy room. It needs a lot of cleaning but nothing a little bit of magic won't fix, and by magic, I mean muggle magic. So, Draco helped move a bunch of crap out. Me and my dad pulled out the futon for Draco to sleep on. It was nice and pretty comfortable. The room was empty at this point.

The night went by quickly. My dad ordered wings for dinner, and we ate. Draco ate them like it was his last meal. I know with him being the rich prat he is, he probably has never had this luxury before.

We even watched die-hard. Which I had never seen. Draco has never watched tv before. He was kinda amazed by it. He did get freaked out when he saw Alan Rickman on the screen though. I had to explain that Alan is an actor and he played Snape. He was very confused still. Poor thing.

Later that night when I was getting ready for bed. I went into Draco's new room, we keep our doors open here, we just always have.

Draco was sitting on the futon in a pair of red plaid pajama bottoms and a black sweatshirt. He was picking at his fingers, funny cause I do that too. He looks good in red. Morgan; you need to quit this.

"So how are you enjoying your stay here so far?" I asked.

Draco's head shot up at me and his face fell. I also have on red plaid pajama bottoms, with a short black tank top so you can see my lower stomach. He blinked a few times before answering me.

"In all honesty...it's not as bad as I thought it would be" A small grin appeared on his face, and I shut the door behind me. This is probably the first time this door has ever been shut.

"Whatcha doin'?" I sat on the floor with my legs crossed. He shut his journal and slid off the futon, we were both now on the floor.

"Oh, nothing I just get anxious and pick at my nails. I've noticed that you do the same" he shoved his hands behind his back so I wouldn't see them. "So what are you bugging me for at this hour?" He raised a brow.

"Ha this hour, it's 9:30" I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Well, if you're so curious... I'm bored" I sighed.

"Why are you bored?" He crossed his arms.

"I don't know I just am...my dad's making me hang out with you up here" I shrugged.

A lightbulb went off in his head "I have an idea if you're bored" I raised my brow in curiosity at what he has planned.

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