Fifth Period

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"So where's our next class?" Draco asked me as we walked up the stairs to go to the gym. My fifth period is gym...we don't exercise for shit in there.

"Just right up here... you get to properly meet everyone"

We reached the top of the stairs and we walked to where I normally sit. My friend Jordan was playing with a basketball when she saw us walking over

"Holy Shit!" She lost control of the ball.

"Jordan, I know" I smiled.

"Are you actually him? Like are you the real deal?" She looked at Draco.

"I am" he nodded.

"That's Morgan aren't you lucky" she's smiling like an idiot, but she knows that I'm crazy about him.

"I guess I am lucky " I looked at Draco and smiled.

I put my stuff down on the bleachers...we sit in the corner of the gym next to the wall on the bottom row. I pulled Draco into the lobby for a second. "Okay, we're about to tell everyone about you you okay with that?" I bit my nails while waiting for an answer.

"Morgan...I don't care. I want the whole world to know you're my girlfriend, to be honest." He's just amazing, I can't!

When we walked back through the doors I saw Chris and Amy walking from afar. I looked at Amy and noticed she was squinting her eyes... and then they went wide.

"What the fuck?" Amy exclaimed.

"Who's the Harry Potter lookin' bitch?" Chris pointed at Draco. He could have said anything else, but that's his personality.

"What did you just call me?" Draco turned around and stepped closer to Chris.

"Okay...Draco we're not doing this calm down." I put my hand on his chest causing him to step back a bit.

"Draco?" Amy questioned.

"Yes, you heard me right" I looked back at her as I was holding Draco back from Chris.

Lia, Alycia, and Chloe came over shortly. Chloe I'm assuming already was aware of his existence because she didn't ask questions when she saw him.

"Okay, I'm about to explain everything to you guys. So at 11:11 on December 16th, I made a you know how people do at 11:11 and it was for Draco Malfoy to come into my life. I know it was just some stupid crazy thing I did...well umm like 3 seconds later I heard a sound come from my closet, I went to get up and check, and Draco came out of it" my voice would go higher with every word.

They're all looking at me like I'm crazy. "So since then he's been staying in the guest rooms at my house...and now he comes to school with me."

"So are you two on good terms? Do you hate each other?" Chloe asked.

"No, we get along great. It was rocky at the start, but now it's amazing"

"Can I say something ?" Jordan asked. I gave her a nod.

"You two would be really, really cute together" of course we would, we are.

"Funny you say that actually" Draco smirked.

"Wait don't tell me" Amy's jaw dropped.

"Bitch you better be joking" Lia crossed her arms over her chest.

"Are you serious?" Alycia almost spit out her mountain dew.

I looked at Draco and then smiled at my friends. I suddenly felt Draco's hands on my waist. He spun me around so we faced each other and kissed me. Right in front of fucking everyone.

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