You're Gonna Be Fine

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December 22nd

12:30 pm

"Draco you're gonna be fine I'm just gonna be gone for a few hours"

I'm going out with Alice and Livey today, so that leaves Draco without me for a few hours. He's being a little over dramatic, but what else is new?

"Why are you going out again?" Draco asked in a whiny voice.

"Because I haven't seen my friends in a week." I sighed as I shoved various things in my purse like my sunglasses, Uno cards, and probably some tiny dumb toy to make them laugh.

"You have friends?" Draco raised a brow.

"Agh excuse me I have many friends. I just don't talk about them because you don't know them." I scoffed. "Plus I never hear you talk about any of your friends" I added.

He sighed. "I don't necessarily have friends. I have followers that look up to me. You know cause I'm the Malfoy heir" Draco fixed his posture like he was showing off the fact that he's a royal douchbag. I showed no emotion to his remark I felt rather annoyed.

I sighed "Well then...who are your "followers" that you associate yourself with?"

"We'll there's Crabbe and Goyle. They're like my number one and number two. Uhh let's see oh Blaise Zabini, he's probably close to actually being a friend of mine. There's Theodore Nott...okay he's actually my friend. Oh and uhh there's this girl I used to-" I cut him off.

"Parkinson?" I scoffed.

"Huh?" He questioned.

"Pansy...Pansy Parkinson. Am I right?" I raised my voice in annoyance. I don't know why. Probably because I have a love-hate relationship with her character. One minute she's amazing and the next I want to beat the living crap out of her.

"How did you know-" I cut him off again.

"Because I know everything. So what did y'all do? Have sex? Plan your futures together?" I asked question after question. I don't even know why I'm so jealous. He's not my boyfriend. Truthfully I don't know what we are.

"Woah Woah..." Draco put his hands up "We weren't anything like that...I took her to the Yule Ball and went to Hogsmeade a few times but there was nothing more than a few hugs. She wasn't my...type" He confessed.

"Oh," I sighed in relief.

"Aww, are you jealous Hills?" He smirked.

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?" I scoffed.

"I can see it in your I said she's not my type. She has grassy green eyes and jet-black hair and she's whiny" He rolled his eyes just imagining her.

"Then what is your type" I threw my purse on my bed and put my hands on my hips.

"Oh, I don't know...I've always had a thing for brunettes" He smirked. "With deep blue eyes...and a snarky attitude" He walked over towards me. Standing to where he was towering over me and he winked.

I felt my heart stop. He What does that even mean? Does he like me? I never know with him.

"W-What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"What do you think...Morgan?" He whispered in my ear. God, I wanna kiss him so badly, but that's unlike me.

He moved a piece of hair behind my ear. He gazed into my eyes, he would flick his stare from my eyes to my lips. Like he was debating on if he'd kiss me or not. I have the voice in the back of my head screaming for him to do it.

He leaned in to kiss me. I leaned forward too because obviously, this is something I also want. I've wanted this since he came out of my closet that night.

Our lips were a few inches apart we were so close. And then my phone rang. I quickly pulled back and grabbed my phone. It was Alice.

"H-Hello," I said to her on speaker.

"Bestie we're about to be at your house of hold be ready." She said in the sarcastic tone she always talks in.

"O-okay see you soon" I stuttered.

"They'll be here any minute...I have to go, are you gonna be okay?" I asked.

"Y-yeah I'll be fine, don't worry" He assured.

"Okay...umm I'll see you soon...bye," I quickly grabbed my purse and turned to leave my room, but quickly went back to Draco and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. His eyes widened at my surprising movement. I ran out of my bedroom to go to the front door where Alice and Livey were already standing.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Livey asked with a grin on her face.

"Oh... it's nothing" I giggled


God, why does this have to be so hard? Why can't I just tell her my feelings for her like a normal person? Why do I have to be all flirty and intimidating? Merlin, I almost kissed her. And when that didn't happen she kissed my cheek! What does that even mean?

I noticed Morgan's closet was wide open. I've been in her room for like an hour, how did I not see that the first time? I decided to just...look around. I never got the chance to see it when I came out of it.

I looked at the top of it and saw 7 different books, and they all said, Harry Potter. I let out a scoff at the sight of them. Since I'm here I figure why not have a look.

I grabbed the first book and thumbed through the pages, and wow. I'm an asshole. I don't understand why Morgan even gives a crap about me, why'd she bring me here in the first place?

I got quite bored with the book, but something caught my eye. A yellow notebook. I flipped to the first page and saw a bunch of names which included mine, Morgan's, Blaise, and even the bloody golden trio. I flipped to the next page

Chapter One

It was our fourth year at Hogwarts. I still have my normal group of friends. It's always me, Lia, Alycia, Blaise, Lorenzo, and Draco, Who has been my best friend since childhood. Our mothers were best friends when they attended Hogwarts many years ago, the same goes for both of our fathers. So the Malfoys are like family to me. Right now, we're all on the train ride to our 4th year at Hogwarts.

I was intrigued, I'm assuming Morgan wrote this. It's not bad, I read a few more pages of it before I stopped myself. It's wrong for me to read this. I went to read one more chapter. Which was nine

...I went up to Draco and gave him a hug

"Thank you for tonight" I whispered.

"No problem"

When I pulled away from our hug we looked deeply into each other's eyes. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. His gaze would flick from my eyes and then to my lips and then back to my eyes. Then we both leaned in...and we kissed.

I shut the book. I felt...weird. Does she fantasize about me? I feel terrible for going through her stuff, but I just couldn't help myself. I just had to know. Now I think I do.

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