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Today is Christmas which I'm excited about. I'm always excited about Christmas, but I have Draco here now which makes it even better. My mom usually wakes me up the same way every morning. She sends Phoebe into my room and she pounces on me. I thought my mom opened the door but she usually doesn't turn on my bedroom light. And when that light came on and I felt like murdering whoever did it.

I felt a weight shift on my bed and the presents of a body leaning over me.

"Good morning darling" Draco whispered then left a kiss on my jawline.

"mmhm not yet," I said as I rolled over and hid my face in one of my many blankets.

"Morgan it's Christmas your mum wants you up," he said pulling the blankets off me I gasped at the cold air from my fan hitting my legs.

"Ah, you bitch" I seethed. He pulled me off my bed by my ankles and threw me over his shoulder

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY PUT ME DOWN!!!" Draco carried me out of my room and into the hallway and sat me down.

"Merry Christmas darling," he kissed my lips softly and I smiled into it. God, I love him...but I'm not gonna say that.

"Merry Christmas handsome" my eyes were still heavy. Usually, I have my own speed of getting up in the mornings and Draco took that speed and threw it out the window. I looked Draco up and down and just admired him. He has on pajamas...I rarely see him in pajamas. Usually, he's already dressed by the time I wake up. I know I slept in his room one night...but it was dark. His hair was messy. He had on green plaid pajama bottoms and a black t-shirt. I could feel the outline of his abs through...which I have not seen yet sadly.

"Enjoying the show are we?" He smirked.

"Maybe I am," I said with a small laugh and gave him a quick kiss. "Come on," I grabbed his hand and led him into the living room. My mom was sitting on the couch patiently

Me and Draco sat on the floor while my mom was on the couch. Me and momma did go out and find Draco several things. We wanted him to be able to enjoy Christmas since he's away from his family and friends.

I felt like I needed to find some things for Draco to enjoy and things that would be useful for him here. We got him a leather journal... so he could document things if he wanted to. My mom got him more clothes...and Nike blazers. He's so hot that's all I can say. My mom got both me and him matching sage green converse...which I wanted to cry because I've always dreamed of having something like that, and she got us those bracelets that have magnets that stick together when you hold hands...which is the cutest

I'm not even gonna talk about what I got. All I cared about was making sure Draco was happy. My mom started to cook breakfast. My cousins, Aunt and Uncle, and my papa were all coming over. Thankfully my mom gave them a heads up about our company. Draco pulled me into my room before we got ready for my family to come over.

"Merry Christmas," he said to me as he pulled out a little grey box and handed it to me. When I opened it I saw an emerald green necklace on a gold chain.

"Oh my god...D-Draco you didn't have to do this" I have tears in my eyes.

"Yes I did..." he caressed my cheek with his thumb. I forcefully wrapped my arms around his neck which almost sent him falling backward. "I love it" I whispered into his ear.

I pulled out of our embrace and went over to the side of my bed where I had a tiny black velvet drawstring bag. "It's not much but...I had to" I gave him the bag. He opened the bag and shook what was in it into the palm of his hand. Two silver rings came out. He studied them for a second then his eyes got wide.

"Do you know what those dates are?" I asked him, and he just kinda looked at me. "That one has 12/23/21 engraved on it...the day we started dating" he smiled looking at the ring. "And that one says. 11:11...the time on the clock when we met" He quickly put the rings on and kissed me passionately. Which got me thrown into the wall from the force. "You're amazing" he leaned his forehead against mine.

"There's one more thing..." I pulled out a flash drive from my nightstand drawer. I placed it in his hand and then held it tight "This... has everything you will ever need to know on it... it has an oral history of everything... edits, pictures, interviews, text messages, and a video of me" he looked at me in disbelief. I bet he's confused about why I'm giving this to him. "All you have to do is say you're ready...and I'll put it in my computer" he put the flash drive on my bed and then took his hands, cupped my face, and kissed me...again. Hey, I'm not complaining.

"I- I think I'm ready," he said as he broke the kiss and sat on my bed "okay...but we're gonna take this slow...the last step will be the movies...maybe" he looked down at the ground and nodded his head "will you answer questions if I need an explanation to anything?" He said while looking up at me " of course I will" I whispered to him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, resting his head on my stomach as I played with his hair, towering over him. It was silent. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside his head.


She's amazing ... She's absolutely bloody amazing. It's crazy, I've known her for a week and it feels like I've known her my whole life. She makes me feel things I didn't think I could possess. I honestly think I'm falling for her, which is insane. For someone like me I was taught loving someone like her was a damn near crime, and if its a crime...I could care less about getting thrown into Azkaban.

As long as I have her. 

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