Not Like Him

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Me and Draco finally finished watching the first movie. Now we're on to Chamber of Secrets. This is probably one of the ones before everything goes down that I'm worried about. Draco's an ass in this movie. He calls Hermione a mudblood which he also did call me that once...but he's apologized for it. Not to mention Lucius is in this one.

Draco doesn't mention much about his life before him coming here. I guess he figures that I already know everything about him. I wish I knew more about his parents or his friends. I know a few things. I know about the library in his manor. I know about Blaise, Theo, and Pansy. Knowing he and Pansy were never a thing makes me feel good. I can't stand her 99% of the time. I've often wondered if Narcissa is as amazing as I imagine, and if Lucius is worse than I've expected.

We were both fairly silent during the first part of the movie. Draco had his arm around me. I felt my heart pounding when the part with Lockheart at his book signing came on screen because I knew Lucius was popping up soon.

When we finally got to the part with Draco's estranged father. Draco squeezed my shoulder.

"Can you turn it off...I can't do it."

As soon as he said that I grabbed my remote and turned off the tv. I could tell it really bothered him. Usually, he can power through stuff like that...but I guess when it comes to his father it's a different story.

"Draco...look at me," I Said softly.

He turned his face to reach the sight of mine. His eyes were glistening, almost like he was holding back tears. "I'm sorry...I- I just don't think I can handle it anymore" he sighed.

I rested my hands on both sides of his face. "Hey it's okay...we don't have to watch if you don't want to"

"I-I thought I could handle it...I guess seeing my father was a little much."

"How was it too much? Did he do something to you?" I know Lucius is a bastard, but I've often wondered how he treats Draco.

He squinted his eyes at me "Do you not know?" I shook my head. "Morgan he was physically and mentally abusive to me and my mother...he scares me more than fucking Voldemort. If he knew I was here...there's no telling what he would do to me...not even me. Morgan he-he'd kill you. And I cannot let that happen"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me. His arms wrapped around my waist. I felt his grip tighten. "Draco...I'm okay. Nothing is going to happen to me."

"Ever since I got my first Hogwarts letter, I've been afraid of him. I'm scared I'm just like him." I pulled out of his grip and looked him in the eye.

"Don't you dare say are not like your father. Draco you are so much more than him. You have love and compassion deep inside of you. You care about people, unlike him. Your father wants nothing more than to have power and to be respected and it's cost you your childhood."

I was hoping I wouldn't have to slander his dad during his time here, but it ended up happening anyway.

"I will never understand what you see in me...I just hope our future children won't have to deal with having a father like mine." He kissed my lips softly. My eyes were wide open. From the shock of what he said.

"So, we're back on the children topic again?" My voice trembled.

"Yes," he said with no hesitation.

"So, you do want kids with me?" My voice was shaking. I feel like I need someone to pinch me to wake me up from this dream...but this is all real, it's so very real.

"Of course, I want to have kids with you...why wouldn't I want to have kids with the woman that changed my life for the better?"
He smiled.

I grabbed his face and pulled his lips to mine.
For some reason, this kiss felt...different. Like we were sealing a deal. Like this was a promise. This kiss was like saying I love you, only being too scared to say the actual word because I'm afraid I'll be left there to dry.

But maybe I don't want to be scared.


Before I could get it out my mom opened up the door.

"Hey y'all need to get ready I need to make a few returns to
Macy's," she said before shutting my bedroom door.

"Morgan...what were you saying?" He asked.


It wasn't nothing...

It was everything.

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