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6:35 pm

My outing was fun. Had a great time getting to see my friends. I'm just wondering about how everything went with Draco since he was with my mom almost all day.

Once I got back to my house. My mom was in the kitchen cooking and Draco was in his room. I headed to my room to put away the clothes I bought and my room had been trashed. "WHAT THE CRAP HAPPENED IN HERE!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

"What happened?" My mom asked me from the kitchen.

"My books are everywhere...and my notebooks-" Then it hit me.

"Momma... I'm gonna kill him" I said as I turned around and went straight to Draco's room. I didn't even bother knocking

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!" I screamed at him as I barged into his room. He jumped off his bed and walked closer to me.

"Morgan, calm down," he said as he slightly raised his hands.

"CALM?? how can I be went through my shit!!" The pure southern was coming out of my voice, that's how pissed I was.

"Morgan I needed answers" He held his hands up slightly like he was trying to calm me down.

"You could have just asked me Malfoy!"

"Malfoy huh? Since when we're we doing the last name thing again?" He sneered.

"You've lost your first name privileges!" I snapped.

" So you have all the books... drawings of me... you wrote a book about me?!" Draco raised his voice at me, Yeah we've yelled at each other before... but not like this.

"Malfoy that's private!" I felt like I was choking.

"When were you gonna tell me all this? When were you going to let me know? I just wanted answers, Morgan!" He rambled.

"THEN FUCKING ASK ME!!" I screamed.

He walked closer to me. "Morgan listen to me..."

"Don't! Don't come near me" I backed away and pointed a finger at him.

"Morgan...please" He looked at me like his life depended on it.

"NO! I fucking hate you. You're fucking dead to me." I said lowly.

"Morgan you don't mean that..." He whispered.

"Maybe I do... maybe I don't... just leave me alone right now... okay " I slammed his bedroom door And walked out.

"FUCK!" I heard him scream. I ran back into my room and fell to my knees crying. I trusted him all he could have done was ask me... but he invaded my privacy... he knows now... he knows how I feel about him. He knows I'm obsessed with him. God, what am I gonna do?


Dammit! I should have just asked her. I didn't want to do it. I was just curious. That's when I saw her books in her closet... then I saw her journal... I just couldn't help myself. I feel angry. Not at her but at myself. We were doing great, building a relationship... and I just tossed it away. I feel...upset, I'm never upset. Why do I care about her so much? She's only a muggle... and that's not right... not right to my family anyway, but it feels right to me.



I'm going to bed early. I've cried so much my eyes feel heavy. I don't even know why I made such a big deal about it. Maybe I just got...scared...scared he would want to hurry up and get out of here. He's put in zero effort to leave.

I got under my covers with my 5 blankets and dozed off.

" stop, please... Draco stop! Don't do this to me"

"I'm going to enjoy this..."


"Oh shut up! Do it already!" said a slightly familiar female voice

"You don't have to ask me twice"

"Avada Kadv-"

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