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*SA Warning *

"Why the hell should I help you!" Pansy barked

"Pansy...look I know we got off on the wrong foot, and I'm sorry. I-I don't know what I was thinking that day. In all honesty, I wanted to try to be friends with you."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. " You said I was annoying when we first met. How was I supposed to know that you wanted to be friends with me?"

"Pans, in most of the things I've read about you, you are annoying and rude, and clingy, but when I read something when you're friends with the main character I love you. Pansy, I wanted to give you a chance, but when you said you were Draco's fiancé...I lost it"

Pansy busted out laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing it's just that was your first interaction with a Slytherin" she continued to laugh.

"What do you mean by that?" I inquired. She regained her composure. " Morgan, Nowadays Draco is like a small little Hufflepuff. He's gone soft. I was messing with you, I'm not his fiancé, I'm not even interested in him. I just wanted to try to break you...and it worked."

I stared at her flatly. "So do you like me or not? I'm confused with what you're telling me."

"What I'm saying is that at first, I was just being a pest, now I dislike you for almost stabbing me."

I nodded in agreement with her. "Pansy I really am sorry. I do want to try to fix this." I mumbled.

She grabbed my arm and we went and sat on Draco's bed. "Tell me what you do like about me, we can start there, and I'll do the same to you"

I huffed trying to think about the things I like about her. "Well, I think you're funny, in a very blunt way. You have determination like how a true Slytherin does, not to mention I love how every day for you is a fashion show." Pansy smiled at my reasons.

"Now my turn, what do you like about me?" I crossed my legs sitting on the bed.

"Well, I think you're incredibly brave. You took the dark mark for love and not because you just wanted to. I've been in complete awe over how much you care for Draco, and how much you love him. I've always been close to him, I want you to take care of him, promise me you can do that?"

"Pansy, I promise I won't do anything to hurt him." I smiled at just the thought of him.

"Oh and I think your hair and your style are badass"

"Well for a girl who forced herself to become a death eater I guess I don't look too bad" I giggled.

The two of us surprisingly had many good conversations. We laughed together, it's crazy to think I made a friend of Pansy Parkinson. A girl I couldn't stand months ago.

"So what was it you needed my help for?" Pansy asked. Half of her body was on the bed. her head was hanging off the edge, dangling down almost hitting the floor.

"I need you to help me get out of here" I muttered. She stilled for a second before answering me.

"Okay, umm what you'll need to do is try to get out when the house is nearly empty. Most of the time it's almost empty, it's just us teens and Narcissa. She might let you escape, but the only one you have to worry about is Matteo."

I changed the subject for a second. "Aren't you and Matteo a thing? Why would you rat him out?" Pansy giggled at my remark.

"Matteo is just a good shag that's all." She waved off.

"Oh yeah I figured, you know with the way you look at Theo and whatnot," I smirked.

Pansy's face turned bright red. "We're off topic" she blurted and I laughed.

"And I'm not going to kill Dumbledore, I won't, plus I'm not gonna follow a single order that son of a bitch tells me"

As soon as those words came out of my mouth, the door to the bedroom opened.

"Oh, my fathers going to enjoy this, but not before I get to have my fun" Matteo smirked.

My eyes were wide open in fear. I could hear my heart beating out of my chest.

Matteo's eyes latched on to Pansy's "Pansy leave us" he demanded.

She stood up from the bed. "No"

He stalked over towards Pans. "Do I have to get my father or Malfoy's bat-shit-crazy aunt to deal with you? Leave now..." He took his thumb and ran it over Pansy's bottom lip. "but I promise, I'll fuck you till you can't even remember your name" he kissed her temple and she headed out the door.

Matteo closed the door behind him and locked it. "Did I tell you how lovely you look today Morgan?" He shifted towards me, I backed up as much as I could on the bed, but my back hit the headboard.

"No-no you didn't, and go fuck yourself " I sneered. He finally got near the bed, got on it, and crawled over to me. His face was hovering over mine.

"Ah, why would I do that when I can just fuck you?"

He smashed his lips to mine. I tried to push him off of me, but he pinned my arms above my head with his hand. I was grunting, crying, begging to let scream for help out, but I couldn't.

His free hand ran up my leg and to my thigh. Moving his hand underneath my dress and reaching the waistline of my panties, attempting to pull them down.

"Get off of her!" Blaise ran in and grabbed Matteo off of me. Pansy was leaning up against the doorframe, she let out a few soft cries as I directed my vision to Theo; she was wrapped up in him.

Blaise dragged Matteo out of the room and I heard him yell. "She a fucking traitor that one!"

I ran over and clung to Pansy and Theo sobbing. I feel numb, I felt vulnerable. I felt sick, I felt filthy.

Miss Hills, come with me...we have to take care of this." Lucius peaked his head into the room from the hallway

"Take care of what?" I said through my tears.

"Did you really think we're going to let you walk around here? After what you've done? You're a traitor...and you must be dealt with"

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