The Formal

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After dinner, we all jumped back into our limo and made our way to the venue where the formal was being held. The limo ride was the most chaotic thing I'd ever experienced. Everyone was screaming and yelling at each other, but I'd say the best part was when we all sang " We are young" by Fun! Draco wasn't even left out because I've played that song for him multiple times.

Once we arrived, Draco stepped out of the limo and gave me a hand, and escorted us inside. Everything was beautiful. It was so nonchalantly decorated for Valentine's Day. Not too many hearts, it was just almost dreamlike.

"Wow, this is...really nice." Draco sighed looking all around the event center. "I'm happy I found out about this whole thing...I don't think I would've been able to live with myself if I didn't take you here"

"I still would've stayed with you even if you didn't" I rested my head on his shoulder, right before I heard a familiar beat.

It was the cha-cha slide.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I squealed. Draco shot me the most confusing look ever. Before he could say something about my psychotic outburst, I grabbed his hand and yanked him over to the dance floor with me.

"Morgan, what are we doing?" I heard him let out a faint laugh over my excitement.

"Draco this is the cha cha slide?" I beamed. "Darling... I don't know what-"

"I know you don't know what it is, you just have to follow directions and you'll know what to do" I smiled.

I had my fingers intertwined with Draco's entire dance. I know he's good at you know formal dancing, but this...poor thing. He looked like he was going to trip over someone's feet any second, especially when the crisscross part came. I, on the other hand, suck at formal dancing and I'm good at whatever the hell this is.

Once the song was over, me and Draco sat down at a table that Dani, Addison, and RaeLynn were at, along with Addison and Rae's dates. Both Timmy and Kit were very confused by Draco's presence, but who isn't? It's really funny because Timmy looks just like Timothee Chalamet...and they have almost the same name. I wonder if he also came out of a closet?

"That dance was... something," Draco said into the cup of his drink before pulling it away from his mouth.

"It's a muggle tradition, you could say. Every dance I've ever been to that song has played. If you asked Hermione I'm sure she'd know about it" I wasn't even thinking when I said her name. Damn.

His brows rose slightly. "Morgan I'm sure you're aware I'm not on the friendliest of terms with the golden trio"

I wanted to cringe. How did I forget that? "I-I just kinda forgot...I'm sorry for bringing her up-" he cut me off before I could say more.

"Don't apologize. Listen..." he turned his body to a better angle to talk to me. "Hermione Granger is a very bright witch...I know you think I hate her, Potter and Weasley, but I don't. I just envy them because they all have something I want." I peeked my head up in amusement wanting to know more.

"What is it that you want?"

Draco let out a sigh. "Granger has always been next to me in every class. I've always struggled to outsmart her, father beat me for it once. Weasley has a loving family, no matter how unbearable they can be, and Potter...has it all, he gets everything; the fame, the glory. But I've realized that I have something they don't"

"What?" I asked. Draco rested a hand on my thigh. "They don't have you" he gave me a faint smile. He really knows how to make me feel like the only girl in the world.

"Draco...I lo-" I cut myself off because of the song that was playing.

"What song is that?" he asked.

"It-it's Iris" does this song follow us everywhere we go???

"Well, it's our song so you're coming to dance with me. And don't give me that oh I can't dance bull shit" I rolled my eyes and he took my hand and we went to the dance floor.

Our song was all I could think of

I would normally wrap my arms around his neck, but this time I wrapped them around his torso and placed my head against his chest. He draped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I really think I'm in love. It's not just the idea of's just him. I love everything about him. His smile, his compassion, his flaws, everything. To think I've fallen for him twice.

Nothing could change my mind.

Iris ended and this Dj sucks ass. There's no flow between songs. The dude played fucking cotton-eyed Joe. Draco wanted to dance to it but I yanked him back over to me. While it was playing we went and got drinks.

"What's wrong with the song that's playing?"

I shot Draco a glare. "It's another dance classic but I don't know it" I cringed at my lack of culture.

But then...oh but then I heard a certain melody. From an older song, but this was a newer song. I gasped and threw my drink in the trash, I grabbed Draco's too, and tossed it.

"Hey! I wasn't finished" he whined.

"We'll get you another one " then I drug him back over to the dance floor. They had dimmed the lights to a dark red.

"Morgan...what song is this?" Draco raised a brow at my excitement.

"It's Streets by Doja Cat" the silhouette version to be more specific.

All of the couples came out onto the floor. Some groups of friends too.

"Okay, what I'm about to do is going to be a little different okay." Draco nodded.

As soon as the beat dropped. I started grinding my hips against him. His eyes were wide in shock at first, but they soon rested and he had his signature smirk painted on his face. He placed his hands on my back. I could hear his breath hitching, almost like I was turning him on. "Oh my god, Morgan!" Amy squealed off to the side.

"Darling...are you teasing me?" He breathed into my ear.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I giggled. Draco grabbed my hips and pushed me up close to him.

"You think you're funny? Do you know what I'm going to do to you?" I felt nervous about what was going to come out of his mouth.

"W-what?" I stuttered. He brought his mouth down to my ear and whispered.

"I'm gonna have you screaming my name until you can't anymore"

Well shit.

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