What Are We?

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Today has been crazy. From leaning onto Draco for comfort to sleeping in the same bed as him. Then to him kissing me. It feels like a dream. Like the dream I always wanted

"So how are we going to explain to my mom that...this just happened," I asked Draco with my arms wrapped around his torso.

"Well... what can we tell her and not tell her?" He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Well, we're not supposed to be touching...that's what she said about me and my last-" Draco doesn't know that I used to be in a relationship...or the fact that this guy may or may not still like me.

"Your last what?" He raised a brow in confusion.

"Nothing," I smiled. And I planted another kiss on his lips.
We walked back inside the house. My mom was patiently waiting for us.

"So, what's the verdict? " My mom said as she threw her hands up in confusion.

"Momma, please don't get mad...but Draco kissed me," I said nervously. I don't know how she's gonna react.

"Finally," She groaned and hugged me and she even hugged Draco too. She whispered something in his ear, but I don't know what.

"I promise you I won't " Was all he said to her.

Me and Draco went to my room and sat on my bed. "Umm Draco..." I asked him.
"Hmm," he was looking at the signet ring on his finger.

"The whole...Death Eater thing...can we talk about it?" I asked quietly. I don't want momma to know about this. I mean she knows it happens, but she hasn't brought it up yet.

"Morgan, if you're scared of me just say it."

I grabbed his hand and held it in mine. "Draco I am not scared of you...okay," He looked down and nodded in disbelief. "What was the last thing you remember before you came here?" That's a good place to start.

"I'm sure you know about the vanishing cabinet" I nodded my head. "Well, you know I've been working on it for months. I've gotten no sleep. Morgan, the best sleep I'd gotten in months was last night with you in my arms." He formed a small smile on his face. I blushed. "Anyway...I was supposed to kill Dumbledore and bring the death eaters into Hogwarts. But before I could bring them through...I heard someone say my name in the cabinet. That was you. So I stepped through to see what it was and I ended up here."

I was in shock. I might have screwed up everything, but I did save people...right? I could've saved Dumbledore, Snape, Lavender, Fred, Lupin, Tonks and Dobby, god and so many others.

"God I messed up didn't I?" I sighed.

"Morgan...you put a stop to something fucking terrible. Morgan, you stopped me from killing Dumbledore. Morgan...you saved me" his words hurt. He doesn't know the outcome of what happened, and the words hurt differently too. Saying I saved him. I don't deserve credit like that.

"Draco...I don't know how to say this, you didn't kill him. You never did, you couldn't...Snape did it."

Draco's eyes widened, then he furrowed his brows in confusion. "H-how? Why?" He asked.

"Draco...you weren't intended to kill him. Snape made a deal with your mother. Dumbledore knew too"

"Show me," he asked. "You knew about this already...so show me"

He's very demanding right now. I understand, but his tone of voice seemed...hateful. Like he was pissed because I'm leaving him out of the loop.

"D-Draco I can't." I can, but I won't. I don't think he's ready. I don't think I'm ready. It's heartbreaking to watch the scene. I can't imagine what it would be like knowing he's getting to see it.

"Why not?" His tone was still hateful. We just kissed in my driveway and now he's gonna be an ass?

"Draco...you are not ready to see all of this. It'll put a damper on who you are. If you just wait and give it time...I'll show you, but right now you should take my word for it."

He let out a heavy sigh. Like the hatefulness was exiting his body. "Okay...I understand. I-I'm sorry for being difficult" he looked down at his ring again. I took my hand and lifted his face by his chin.

"Hey...it's okay. I get it, it's hard to know you have this whole part of your life you don't know about because you didn't get to live it. I'm sorry I'm keeping it from you, but I just think it's best for now"

Draco nodded and I dropped my hands from his face. He then cupped my cheeks in his and kissed me. How can someone who's so damaged, who's been through so much, be so...gentle. My friends call me crazy for sympathizing with him, but he's so much more than a bully and a death eater. He's like an Angel In disguise.

"So, umm what are we exactly?" Draco asked me while fiddling with his fingers...again. I love that he has a nervous habit. It's cute.

"Umm, I guess whatever you want to be" I want him to ask me...I'm not doing that.

"I want you to be my girlfriend"


"Yes! I mean umm sure" wow desperate are we Morgan? He smiled in relief and kissed me. I never thought this would ever happen. It's crazy how one silly little wish, made one of my dreams become reality.

He is my reality.

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