When Did You Realize?

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AN: More sexy stuff

Thank god my mom and her boyfriend are on a date, because whatever Draco has planned right now...I don't even think a silencing charm could muffle my screams.

Draco pulled me into his room, very classy

Mr. Malfoy. He shut the door behind us and locked it.

"Strip" he demanded as his eyes ranked all over my body.

"W-what?" I panicked.

"Did I stutter? I said strip"

Now, this is the Draco I've read things about.

"Are you sure you don't want to do the honors?" I turned around so my back was facing him, and draped my hair over my shoulder. I heard Draco sigh from behind me. He took his hands and found the zipper of my dress, he pulled it down. I felt shivers down my spine from his cold silver rings hitting my bare skin. The fabric fell off of my body and onto the floor. I didn't wear a bra with the dress, so I was just left in my panties.
I turned around to face Draco, he placed his hands on my waist and bent down. Trailing small pecks from his lips down my chest, stomach, and lower abdomen, close to right where I wanted him.

"Get on the bed" he commanded.

I did as he said, I positioned myself at the edge of it. Draco loosened up his tie and pulled it over his head, and threw it off to the side. He unbuttoned his dress shirt and let it slide off of his back and arms. God, I'll never get over how fit he is.

"What was it you said to me at that formal? Oh right, "What I'm about to do is going to be different?" Am I right?" His eyes were like piercing daggers as he shifted his body over to me.

"Yes," I whimpered.

He bent down and moved a loose hair behind my ear. "God look at you, And I've barely touched you, darling."

His hands made their way to the hem of my panties. He took one of his long fingers and dragged it along my folds. "God, you're soaked" he sighed.

"Draco–please" I begged.

He hooked his fingers onto the sides of my underwear and tugged them down. Giving him a blank canvas in front of him.
"Open your legs" I opened them as soon as he said those words in desperation. Before I could even process the things he could possibly be doing to me. His lips attacked my clit, I threw my head back onto the mattress and let out a moan. With every lick, every suck it was like heaven. His tongue darted in and out of me with ease.

"God, Draco" I breathed as I grabbed a fist full of his hair as he went down on me.

I felt my climax coming to the surface in my stomach, I was going to snap any minute.

"D-Draco I-I'm gonna-" he quickly pulled his head out from between my legs.

"Don't you dare fucking cum right now" he said harshly. I whimpered from the loss of contact.

His hands went to his belt. Hearing the buckle hit the floor made me want to go over the edge right now. I stared at the ceiling for a minute trying not to cum at just the sounds of his clothes being discarded. I heard the zipper of his dress pants being pulled down. I took a quick glance and he had shredded off his pants and his boxers.

Before I completely looked at him I felt a lite pressure on my stomach. When I opened my eyes it was his wand.

"We almost forgot to use the spell"

"Thank god you remembered" I panted.

I pushed myself up on the bed a little to where my head was rested against a pillow. Draco hovered over my body and pried my legs open, aligning himself up with my entrance. He ran his tip along the folds of my wet pussy, I shuddered at the contact.
He bent down towards me and whispered "Breath darling" into my ear before he kissed my forehead and slid his cock inside me. I choked out a moan

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