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Who knows the thoughts of a man,

is it not he, that created him?

Who owns the man's heart.

is it not he, that formed him?


Darasimi's POV

Work was something I never missed.

I had opened my shop in 100 level since I gained admission and I had worked so hard to get to where I am today. I never had a parental support system because I had left home at an early age and to say my parents didn't look for me, didn't hurt me was a lie. I had always wanted parents that would be proud of me whenever I achieved something and who would love me no matter what I did or went through but I just had to get stuck with the one who couldn't care less about me or my future. I was a tool hated by my father for just being born a girl and just a person to my mother and although she always tried to protect me, it never worked because at the end my dad had something against her as well.

I had decided to study law because I wanted to work as a human right activist in order to be strong enough to go back to my home town and at least curb the rate of child marriage to 50% so no one would ever go through what I did.

"What are you thinking about?" I jumped at Praise's voice, when did she get here.

"You scared me" I say placing my hand on my chest to calm my breathing. I looked at my friends to see her smiling as always but this one was more than normal

"You know I love you?" okay now, something is up. I raised my eyebrows showing that whatever she's gonna do won't work on me.

"What do you want?" her face dropped immediately I said that making me chuckle. Praise never smiles so wide or say that kind of stuff without wanting something so I kept looking at her to blurt it out.

"Fine, follow me to dance class. I'm nervous to go on my own for the first time" she sighs looking down like her shoes became interesting. Praise was never nervous unless it's something new and something she really wants to do.

"But I have work and Grace to take care of, you know that, besides, when did you apply for dance class?" Praise loves to dance and she can, whereas I don't even know how to move my body except it's Praise and worship in church other than that, I'm as stiff as a rod.

"Please, this is the first time I'm asking for something from you, besides, the place isn't far from your shop so you can just follow me there and leave after thirty minutes and I keep telling you, Grace can come home by herself. Stop babying the big girl, she's ten" she says holding my hands and giving me the pleading eye while I looked at her with my eyes wide. Okay, first time? Besides I am not babying my daughter, I am just protecting her so she won't have to know or go through what I did.

"Your first time? Really, that's what you are going with? Should I begin to count all the things you have asked me for?" my sarcasm doesn't faze her as she is still holding me and staring at me

"Fine, just thirty minutes, no more" I say making her smile wider and carrying my small frame in a twirl like motion. What am I going to do with this girl? I decide to just follow her since it's still 11am.

We then went for our next class which was Law of taxation. I made sure to be very attentive in classes so I don't miss anything as I was very determined to get my mum out of her vegetative wife state and help many other children from having the same fate as I had.

We finished lectures at 1pm and then left for Praise's dance class. When we got there, they had already started and I found myself in the midst of people who could move their body in any direction and not need hospital treatment but most especially, I was in the midst of men.

I didn't like it one bit.

Not that, I hated men or anything like that, they just irritated me. It has been a battle I have been fighting ever since I could remember my dad's face or the face of my late husband. It was so much worse when I just left my home but became bearable when I gave my life to Jesus. I was always extremely cautious around guys and never wanted to have long conversations with them. How I have come this far, is a testimony.

"Thank you for following me" Praise said dropping her bags on the table where others were. I just smiled and nodded since I was extremely uncomfortable here but I didn't want to get her all worked up.

"You are Praise right?" A tall dark-skinned guy asked as he approached us.

"Yes, I came here yesterday to see Alex" she replied with a bright smile on her face

"Oh, okay. My name is Emmanuel. You will both be joining the beginner's class, right?" he asked again while he looked between Praise and I. I just looked at him while shifting backwards since I was uncomfortable under his gaze.

"No, it's just me. She just escorted me" Praise answered noticing my uncomfortable state. Praise was the only one who knew why I left my home and I'm glad she knew so she could always get me out of this kind of situations but I worry about when we leave school. I know for sure that we'd still be in contact since we studied the same course but life could happen.

"Will you leave now? Sorry for putting you in this kind of situation" she said with an apologetic look making me relax

"No, I promised thirty minutes, I will just stay behind that staircase and watch you till it's time to leave" I say shaking my head dramatically. I didn't want her to always worry about me, so I would do this no matter how hard it feels. She smiles and scatters my hair in response making me shout and pout while she joins the group.

Thirty minutes passed so slowly but I was glad time was up, so I got up and closed the book I was reading. Waving Praise goodbye, I left the building. I had so much work to do in the shop as well as my project for which I would have to meet my supervisor about soon. Since the building wasn't far from my shop, I decided to walk. I wonder what my parents are doing? Did they even think of me? They had left me in the hands of a man who was old enough to give birth to three of me at a that time.

I often wondered how my life would have turned out had I stayed, or how my family would be like had we been a happy one. Sighing, what was the use of thinking about this, it's not like my life could magically transform from the beginning. I had been on my own since I was fifteen, and taking care of a baby was the hardest thing I ever did and still do. I had promised myself that despite the life I had or how I gave birth, I would love my daughter and take care of her before myself. I was thinking so much that I didn't hear a car honk until the light flashed in my face and I noticed that I wasn't on the side walk anymore. Looking up I see a red Toyota Camry flashing its headlights at me and I quickly stepped back on the side walk after yelling an 'I'm sorry'. The person in the car lowered his window and I saw that he was wearing sunglasses inside the car. I didn't get to see his face or how he really looked like because he spoke

"I'm sorry" he said briefly, his voice having a British accent that wasn't too deep or too light which I found odd because he looked like a complete Nigerian. I didn't have time to look at him more because he raised his windows back and drove off. I watched as he drove off, well, that was weird. I shrugged off the feeling and kept walking till I reached my shop and flopped down on the couch to take a nap before I remembered that I had to pick up my daughter. Maybe it was time she came home on her own.

What a day.

Author's note

How was the chapter?

I'm getting curious, what is this problem she keeps talking about?

Why did she leave home? Are they looking for her?

What did her parents do to her?

So many questions, can you answer anyone?

Please guys, leave your answers in the comment section and don't forget to like, follow, share and comment. It would mean a lot to me.

Thank you all.

Word count:1544

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