Chapter 12: Portrait

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3rd POV

Jungguk ate some breakfast calmly, checking his phone. He was looking at the pictures that were taken from the competition. Jungguk's mother came out of her room and noticed him.

Jungguk felt his mother's glance, but he ignored it. He was feeling mad and sad from being stood up last night

His mother pulled the chair next to him and sat down. She stared at Jungguk, waiting for him to say something, but he kept looking at his phone. She sighed

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there last night, baby. Work was just..." Jungguk scoffed. "But I promise I'll take you to eat after school today." She told him.

"No, that's fine. I have more training after school." Jungguk said, avoiding eye contact with his mother.

His mother frowned. As she was about to say something, her phone rang. She sighed again before answering the phone. Jungguk kept his head down. He no longer felt hungry but guilty for treating his mother like that.


Jungguk was surrounded by his classmates who celebrated and congratulated him. He received a few gifts from many of his female classmates.

Jungguk accepted them all with a smile as he always ends up sharing everything with his swimming team.

While the teacher talked, Jungguk's mind was at work. His senior, Y/n, was stuck in his mind. He's curious about her, but he's far too shy to ask around for her.

"Oppa, can we watch you train?"

Jungguk's attention was brought back by a group of girls. His friends slap his back repeatedly and tease him about getting every girl's attention.

"Ah, I don't know if my coach would allow it, sorry." Jungguk said.

The girls all whined before the teacher entered the classroom. Everyone went back to their seats as class started.

Jungguk failed to pay attention and instead doodled in his notebook. What were simple and random lines slowly started forming into a shape. He kept going, placing details into the paper.

Jungguk smiled at his finished drawing. It was a portrait of Y/n. Jungguk's face turned red and he quickly scribbled all over his paper to mask the drawing. He felt embarrassed for being able to remember every small detail of her face. He lightly smacked his face and started focusing on the lesson instead.


Jungguk had small competitions against his teammates during practice. The coach examined their progress and gave them suggestions to better their technique.

"Ok guys, practice is over now, go home and rest." Their coach said.

Everyone got out of the pool and grabbed their towels. Jungguk stayed back as the rest went to change. He went up to his coach, who sighed.

"You want to stay late again?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes." Jungguk smiled shyly.

His coach laughed at his shyness before giving him the keys.

"You know what to do, just come by early to give them back." The coach said.

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