Chapter 7: Maybe

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3rd POV

"Jimin-ah, I love you, take care."

Jimin held his phone up to his ear as he played that voice mail on repeat.

"Jimin-ah, I love you, take care."

Jimin's puffy eyes lost any sign of life in them. He stared at the wall where a picture was hung. He was still dressed in black from the funeral he attended the previous night.

"Jimin-ah, I love you--"

"Then why did you leave me?! WHY?!" He cried out.

He threw his phone on the phone and harshly rubbed his face. He hit his thigh with his closed fist. He kept hitting and hitting, each time harsher to relieve some anger.

"Why did you leave me?!" He yelled.

He grabbed the picture on the wall. It was of him and his girlfriend, who died 3 days ago. That voice mail was the last thing he'll ever hear from her.

Jimin grabbed his phone with a new crack on the screen. He placed the phone against his ear and played the message.

"Jimin-ah, I love you, take care."

"I love you too, Jae-Hwa." Jimin sniffed and hugged the phone.


"Jimin, are you going somewhere?" His mother asked.

Jimin stopped and looked back at his mother, who had a worried look on her face.

"I... I'm going on a walk." Jimin said.

"Ok, baby. It's dark, be careful." His mother said.

Jimin nodded and left the house.

His phone was off. Every one of his friends keeps calling to see how he's doing, but Jimin isn't in the right state of mind to talk to others.

He was restless, yet he couldn't sleep. He was like a soulless body, a dead man walking, a zombie.

Jimin kept his eyes on the ground, not even looking where he was heading. He had no place in mind, he was just walking. Walking until he was tired.

When he finally looked up, he noticed he was on a bridge. Without a single thought, he got close to the edge.

"Maybe...... we can be together again..." He murmured to himself.

'Maybe, just maybe--'

His thoughts were interrupted by some gentle humming. The tune that was being hummed sounded familiar. It was the same song that Jae-Hwa would hum.

"Jae-Hwa?" He asked out loud, looking at the sky.

When he heard it again, his eyes widen. On the opposite side of the bridge, a figure sat on the railing of the bridge.

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