Chapter 4: The Face

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3rd POV

"Jin, baby, come say hello to our guest."

Jin entered the living area, where his mother motioned for him to come. Jin smiled politely and bowed to the guest with his hands behind his back.

"Gosh! You're so handsome! Mrs. Kim, you are lucky to have such a good-looking son. He'll surely be successful in life." The lady said.

"Thank you, ma'am." Jin bowed again.

"Sweetie, I have a daughter about your age. She's very pretty, how about we arrange you two a meeting?" She suggested.

Jin was about to politely decline, but his mom interrupted him.

"That would be great! Text me the details later, actually, how about I give you Jin's number so you can give it to your daughter? That way, they can decide themselves where they want to go." Jin's mother said.


Jin dug his nails into his opposite hand, but he kept a gentle face. He did not agree, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Seok-Jin is the youngets from 3 sons. The oldest got the company, so he had to study a lot, rarely had any time for himself. The middle is a spots person, he got many scholarships in tennis, he spends almost all day training.

Then theres Seok-Jin, he was the face. Being appointed as the most handsome of the sons, his parents got him many modeling deals and he's recently become well known in the past 2 years. He isn't as busy as his brothers, so he gets time to do hobbies and hang with friend. But, he has none. All of his "friends" care mostly about his money and fame.

But that's just the life of a rich guy, right?

After listening to his mom and guest talking about his "future," Jin couldn't handle it anymore.

Sensing the danger of a possible outburst, Jin excused himself from the room. He went outside and went inside of his car. Since it was a much later hour, the sky started turning dark, but he didn't care

Seok-Jin punched the steering wheel and cried tears of stress.

He hated not having a voice. He hated not having a real life. He hated not being able to trust others. He hated not having control of his own future. He hated having to put on a mask to satisfy others.

He turned on his car and stepped on the gas without a care of his life. He was going beyond the speed limit. Angry tears ran down his face and he didn't care to whipe them.

"What if I wasn't handsome? Would I have been useless to them?!" He yelled out his anger. "What if I die? Would they even care?"

He weeped.

'What if I just die?' He thought.

A cliff turn was just up ahead, and and Jin accelerated the car. But, he soon pressed on the break as a small figure was crossing the street.

Jin was shocked and scared. If he were to be a few seconds late, he could've killed someone.

A young highschool girl in her uniforms turned in to a ball and had her arms around her head protectibly. Jin got out of the car and idmitietly ran to her.

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