Chapter 14: I'm Hungry

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3rd POV

"Thank you for coming, Jimin." Jae-Hwa's mother held his hand.

"Anytime, Mrs. Su." Jimin smiled.

Jimin always had a good relationship with her parents, they loved him, and his parents loved her.

It has been a week since Jae-Hwa's passing, but he's been feeling better. Being able to talk to Y/n and let out things he's been bottling up inside has helped release some pain.

"Jimin-ah, your mother has told me that you haven't been going to school." Mrs. Su said.

"Ah... yeah, I've missed some classes." Jimin said.

"You should be going to school every day, education is important." She smiled.

"Ok." Jimin nodded.

Mrs. Su looked at the young man in pity. She could see how much he and her daughter loved each other. He was too young to experience such a thing, the death of a lover.

She hugged Jimin.

She could see it in his eyes, all of the blame he felt. Mrs. Su didn't want Jimin to live a life full of blame for something it wasn't his fault.

"Don't worry," She said. "No one saw it coming."

Jimin hugged her back with some tears falling silently.


"Jimin, I'm glad you're back. How are you feeling?" His friend asked.

"Not well, but better." Jimin answered honestly.

"Here, I copied my notes for you." Another friend handed him some papers.

"Thanks." Jimin let out a small smile that quickly disappeared.

In class, he wrote down the notes of today, reading over the ones his friend gave him as well. He tried catching up with everything, but it was too much for him at the moment.

"Jimin, are you catching up good?" His teacher came up to him and asked.

Jimin nodded, even if it wasn't true. His teacher smiled at him before going back to his desk.

At lunch, Jimin sat out in the garden on a specific spot he and Jae-Hwa would share together. He stared at the empty spot next to him with a heavy sigh. He was all alone now.

Jimin took out his phone and scrolled through pictures of their past dates. He zoomed in on her smile, something he will never get to see again.


Jimin decided to walk home by himself. He wanted to visit the bridge where he met Y/n.

He remembered what she had told him, to come back here if he wanted to meet her again. He didn't know how it could be possible for Y/n to be there, but he hoped to see her there.

He stood on the left side of the bridge, where they talked last time.

He stared off at the sky, enjoying the cold breeze.

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