Chapter 20: My Angel

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3rd POV

"Are you almost done?" Taehyung asked impatiently.

"Shh!" Y/n waved him away.

She kept examining the vending machine, intrigued by the number of good choices it offered. She pointed at one item, then shook her head. This process went on until Taehyung had enough.

He lightly shoved Y/n to the side before inserting some coins into the machine. He pressed B4 and waited for the snack to arrive. He grabbed it and handed it to Y/n.

"There." He said.

Y/n stared at the bag of Honey Twist.

"Hm, good choice." Y/n approved as she opened up the bag. "Want some?" She offered.

Taehyung accepted one since it was one of his favorite snacks. Y/n happily ate her chips as she followed Taehyung around.

"Why are you following me again?" He asked.

"I'm bored." She shrugged.

Taehyung wouldn't admit it, but he actually enjoyed her company, he just couldn't help but to feel suspicious.

"Hey, Tae, I like you," Taehyung's eyes widen as his face turned red. "We should hang out more often." When her sentence ended, Taehyung shook his head.

"What's with that face?" Y/n asked.

"You shouldn't have long pauses in between your sentences." He said.

"Oh, ok, sorry." She said.

Y/n stared humming peacefully as she finished her chips. Taehyung kept giving her side glances as he let her hum happily.

Taehyung was debating in his head about her. Was she good or bad? He felt desired to take a risk with her. It was a dangerous move, but Taehyung wanted to be closer to her.

"Y/n, do you really want to hang out with me?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes." She said.

"... We should... meet up more often." He looked away as he felt flustered saying that.

"Agreed." Y/n said with a big smile.

"But, I don't want you skipping much school, so we should plan out for after school and weekends." He said.

"Ok. Let me give you my number then." Y/n said as she extended her hand.

Taehyung gave her his phone and watched as she put her number. When Taehyung received his phone back, he looked at the name, it said 'Bestie.'

"Call me whenever you're free, or bored. Or sad. If you ever need help hiding too, as you know, I'm really good at it." She said.

Taehyung smiled. He hasn't had a best friend in a long time.

The two went to a park. They lay on the grass to look at the clouds. It has been a while since Taehyung had felt this relaxed and carefree.

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