Chapter four

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I was so busy looking for my daughter and her mate I missed Dani running off inside. Following her scent I was lead to the hospital wing of the packhouse. I opened the door to find Dani being put on a gurnee.

"Dani! What's happened why is she like this?" I demand from the man who placed her on the gurnee.

He tells me to wait so that he can get her to the doctor to be checked out. So I wait, he didn't keep me waiting long and I immediately knew from the look on his face.

"No," I whisper shaking my head, but the look remained. If you have ever lost someone you love, you will know the look I'm talking about.

"I'm sorry, I stepped out for a second and she snuck in, she found her parents among our lost. I'm sorry for your loss ma'am. I knew both of her parents well, they were amazing people." The M.E. says and I hold his hand and cry.

No parent should ever outlive their child, and I just have. My wolf howls a heartbreaking song within me. The only reason we didn't lose it when our mate died was because we had our daughter. Now all we have is Dani, so we will have to be strong to help her through this. My daughter was Dani's bestfriend, her father was her hero.

I link my Alpha, "Alpha Dante I'm sorry to bother you in such a hectic time but I have bad news." Bad isnt anywhere strong enough but it will do for now.

"What happened Granny?" my Alpha asks.

"I've lost my baby and her mate, Dani is now an orphan. I know you need me but I'm going to need to stay for a bit longer than I thought," I say holding my sobs in.

"Permission granted, I'm truly sorry Granny, let me know if you need anything," he says and I thank him.

The M.E. excused himself so that he could get back to work. I sat waiting for news on Dani, luckily I didn't have to be kept in suspense for long. The doctor came out and I rushed forward.

"How is she?" I asked desperately.

"She is going to be alright, I checked her over, she will need to be monitored closely in the coming weeks though. For now she's sleeping and we would like to move her to a bedroom in the packhouse, incase some more injured come in. Is that alright with you?" The doctor asks and I nod just thankful she's alright.

I know that at some point soon we will have to go to their house, we'll have to pack their things. I don't know if Dani will ever be ready for that. I'm not sure I'm ready, but it has to be done.

I follow a retired warrior who volunteered to carry Dani to a spare room in the packhouse.

"This room has a bigger bed, you should lay down too ma'am. I'm sorry for your loss, I had the honor to know your daughter and son in law. They were amazing people and great fighters. Our pack is sorry to lose them," he says.

"Thankyou," I whisper he answers with a somber nod then leaves closing the door softly.

I walk over to Dani and remove her shoes, then tuck her under the covers. Even in sleep she has tears sliding out of her eyes. I kiss her head move to the other side and slip off my shoes. Getting under the covers I lay down and allow myself to silently cry for a moment.

Amanda, Spencer be at peace, please Moon Goddess our blessed mother welcome them home to the eternal forest. Till we meet again, I pray then let sleep take over.

Alpha Dante

I just finished making preparations to get our people home when Granny Jo linked me. My heart hurts for her and Dani.

Thinking of Dani makes my heart beat a bit faster, I've never really been attracted to anyone else. However now really isnt the time to be thinking of this. Shaking my head I round up my siblings and get them ready to head home.

"Where's Granny I want to sit with her?" Peter asks looking around.

"Granny is going to be staying for a bit longer than she had planned," I say and Jagger looks at me silently asking with his eyes. I nod at him and he looks so sad remembering how much it hurt losing dad, since it was so recent.

"Did Dani's mom and dad come home already?" Zeppelin asks.

For a second I dont know what to say, but Sonja beats me to it. "Granny's daughter and son in law have gone to the eternal forest like our parents and baby sister. Granny has to be here for Dani, she needs her."

"Oh no, can we stay too? Where is Dani I want to give her a hug?" Maddie asks searching for her.

I kneel down and take her hands, "I'm sorry but we're going to have to go back home now. Granny and Dani are going to be busy. I know that you're worried about them and want to be there for them, but for now they are going to need time. I need you guys to be good and listen to me ok, so can you get on the bus and behave?" I ask.

They all nod, Maddie has tears in her eyes and hugs me. "Are they going to be ok?" She mumbles into my shoulder.

"With time I hope," I say hugging her back. I kiss her head and send them on their way into the bus with some of our other non combatants.

I see to it everyone else is situated before we head out. I bid our hosts farewell and get on one of the buses. I watch as the Crimson Moonlight packhouse shrinks in our rearview. I feel like I've left something important to me behind and I'm not just thinking of Granny Jo. No Dani's beautiful face comes to mind and my heartbeats faster.

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