Chapter nineteen

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So I was right about the uniforms, which is kinda a bummer. Not gonna lie I'm half and half on it, I mean it's good and not at the same time.
Not because I just got some really cute clothes that I will not be able to wear to school now.
And good because it promotes unity amongst us, not to mention the uniforms are enchanted. Meaning that if you shift into your wolf you dont shred your clothes. I'm not sure how it works but it disappears and reappears when you shift back.

I think that last bit is the best reason to have them, seriously that's so flippin cool. The uniform itself isn't bad it's kinda plain actually, black slacks or skirts. Light green button down shirt and a black blazer with a wolf emblem on the left side. The best part we dont have to wear ties, which is good because I don't know how to tie one.

Plain, simple, but still nice, usually I heard that certain shoes would also be enforced but they said we could wear any we wished as long as it's close toe shoes.

So I'm torn between three choices this morning, my convers, my vans, and combat boots. Ok or I can go the cute route and wear my maryjanes. A knocking at the front door distracts me for a second. Dante's voice has me reaching blindly for a pair of shoes and has me grabbing my convers.

I put them on quickly and head to the kitchen, where he's talking to Gramms.

"I'm telling you Granny Jo it's going to be better than having to take the bus."

Is what I come into the kitchen to hear.

"Morning" I say and they both turn to me with smiles and they both say it back.

Holy hell Dante makes the uniform look good. He doesn't have his coat on right now and his sleeves are rolled up.

"Stop drooling dear," Gramms says giggling and I feel like my ears are on fire.

Both of us at the same time yell "Gramms" "Granny" then turn to look at each other before laughing.

"You two are so cute I'm getting cavities, get to school you two." She says before reading her newspaper.

We yell out our goodbyes and see you laters before heading out the door.

"So what was that about?" I ask as I follow him to a waiting car.

"Well it's not set in stone or anything, but the counsel was thinking of making a special train system for all the commuting high schoolers. You know how the new academy is the only school, besides human colleges, that's out of most pack territories?" He asks and I nod.

"Well if we get this train systems set up it will be safer for us and not to mention cheaper in the long run. Or the other alternative that they were thinking of doing was dorms. Not that that would work for me, since I'm Alpha, and also have my siblings to care for. I cant leave them in daycare forever. That's basically where they end up if Granny Jo can't look after them after they get out of their classes." He says as we slide in the back seat.

"Mornin!" Kai says from the drivers seat as Dai gives a half hearted wave as he eats a burrito.

"Good morning guys," I say smiling then turn back to Dante. "Does Jj have a class too?"

"Yeah Creedence, Mercury and Jj have early development classes till noon then Granny Jo usually picks them up. The others all have class till three, by the way school doesn't end for us till four," he says, Dai groans and my eyes widen.

"Why so late?" I ask perplexed.

"I get out at one o'clock, so Mom or Dad will bring you guys back unless you take the bus. Or if you really need me call ok?" Kai says while watching the road.

"Why do you get out so early?" Dai whines.

"Because I'm a senior," Kai says with a duh tone.

I can't help the giggle that escapes me and I can see it makes both Dante and Kai smile, Dai on the other hand scowls at his brother.

"Is this why you took two different cars?" I say tilting my head.

"Partly, they also had an early meeting with the other teachers," Kai says while negotiating a turn.

Turning back to Dante again I continue our conversation, "are all your siblings going to the same school and is it far from the packhouse?"

"Jagger just started Jr. High so he's in a different building than the others. But both buildings are just fifteen minutes away from the packhouse. The early development classes are held at the packhouse, and the kids ride the bus to the packhouse after school. So Granny Jo gets them from there, which helps because then she makes sure they do their homework." He smirks.

"Not to mention the cookies," Dai says wistfully. The guys laugh nostalgically, while I smile knowing just how my Gramms would be.

My phone beeps with an incoming message closely followed by four others. I pull it from my bag and open the first, it's from my former Luna.


Attached is a picture of Scarlett with the kids sitting infront of her. I can't help but smile at them Jackson ever the little funny man is laughing so hard he fell over into his brother. Azure is looking at him trying not to laugh. Juniper is falling asleep because she is not a morning person and Rosemary is sucking on her hand but looking at the camera.

I sent a quick text back telling them I miss them and thanking them for the beautiful picture. Which I save before checking the other the messages.

The next is from my friend Gracey who is going to be going to the high school too.

Graceful Gracy:
Woman I can't believe I have to wear a skirt! I will be waiting for sympathy by the front doors, can't wait to see you!

Laughing I send her a blushing emoji, and an "oh this I HAVE to see!"

Dante gives me an impish smile but let's me continue reading my messages without asking who or what is being sent. Though I can tell he wants to know.

The next message is from Becky, it's just a simple "knock em dead kiddo love ya" but it means a lot that she remembers. So I send her a kissey emoji as thanks.

The next text is from Stacy and she has some interesting news, her older brother is back from his Foreign Exchange program, and will be coming to our school.

Oh boy, did I ever mention that I used to have a huge crush on him? Or that before he left he said he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend? No? Yeah I kinda forgot about all that after meeting Dante... and everything else. Oops.

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