Chapter Seventeen

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Last night was so much fun, aside from Jolene the jealous and her creepy mc creeperson cousin, I had a great time. I had been so nervous about meeting everyone but they were all so nice.

-Not to mention "yer boi" claimed us infront of everyone!

Just thinking of that makes my heart flutter and my ears and cheeks burn.

"That really happened didn't it?"

- you bet our sweet cheeks it did!

"Sweet cheeks really?"

- our fluffy tail?

Laughing I roll out of bed to head to the bathroom. I'm in the middle of showering when Estelle decides to remind me - oh yeah our date is today.

"Holy crap what should I wear?"

-your skin

"Be serious!"

-i don't know something that makes you comfortable. Go look in your closet.

Opening my closet I start looking through my stuff.

-ooh what's that?

I stop and pull out a dark blue romper  with little white and blue flowers on it. I try it on and it hits my upper thigh. The romper is comfortable and looks nice without being too overdone.

I put my hair up into a updo, but then take it out again. Opting to let it fall into its natural state of being.

-looking good babe!

"Thanks Estelle"

"Dani breakfast is ready!" Gramms calls out to me from the kitchen and I head over.

"Mmm something smells good!" I say sniffing the air.

"Breakfast burritos, I heard something about a date you are having this morning and decided to pack you some food," Gramms winks at me.

Before I can say anything there's a knock at the door. Still blushing I answer it, "Good morning ladies, Granny Jo you don't mind if I still Dani for the day do you?" Dante asks with a smile.

"Not at all Alpha, I even packed you both some food. Dont do anything I wouldn't do," she says winking at him.

My whole body is on fire! I look like the world's biggest tomato.

Dante just starts laughing, "we'll see you later!" He says taking my hand.

I grab the thermal lunch bag Gramms holds out to me before he pulls me outside.

"You look beautiful today Dani," he whispers into my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Thankyou, you dont look so bad yourself," I smirk at him shyly making him laugh.

When ever we're apart for a while then get together again the butterflies in my belly go crazy. We walk for a while hand in hand just enjoying the morning.

"Do you want to run? It will be faster that way to get to where we're going?" He asks but I shake my head.

"Not yet I'm enjoying holding your hand," I say and he gets a pleased look on his face.

"Besides if I would beat you there, well if I knew where we were going that is," I say cheekily and he pulls me close.

"If you run we'll chase you, and when we catch you we'd never let you go." He says softly rubbing his nose against the side of my head.

He gives my temple a feather light kiss then pulls me along, "come on if we take to long we'll miss the best part."

Its amazing that my body can even move after that exchange. I could have sworn I melted into a pile of goo.

-girl we in trouble boi is swoony and his wolf Leo is just as bad as he is.

I giggle at Estelle and Dante smiles.

"I love hearing you laugh and giggle, do I want to know why though?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Just something Estelle said to me, what's Leo saying to you?" I ask curiously.

He blushes, "you dont want to know!"

I crack up laughing making him chuckle along with me.

I'm not sure how long it takes us to get to where we're going but according to Dante we actually made good time.

"You know what they say time flies when your having fun," I say.

He nods, "true but when I'm with you I wish it would slow down.

I pull his face to mine and give him a kiss. When did I get so bold? I have no idea but he kisses me back while wrapping his arms around me.

My stomach growls and we break apart. "Let's go in so we can eat," he says his eyes filled with mirth.

My lips are tingling from our kiss but I shake out of my daze and follow Dante into an unassuming cave. As I look around it takes my eyes a second to adjust, but when they do.

"Oh wow!" I exclaim the walls are a kaleidoscope of colors.

"Its called rainbow cave, deeper in there's a pool of blue water and an opening up above like a skylight. At noon the colors really pop." Dante says watching me as I continue to look at all the colors everywhere.

"I found this place three years before my mom died, no one else really comes here though. Unless I bring them that is," he said sheepishly and I hugged him.

"It's beautiful here thankyou for bringing me," I said kissing just under his jaw making his chest humm.

Clearing his throat he says in a slightly gruff voice, "we should eat that food now."

Smiling we both sit on the grass close to the little beach next to the pool of the bluest water I've ever seen. Opening the pack we divvy up the food. As we eat we watch the light bring out more and more colors on the walls.

We ate, we talked, we swam around, and we enjoyed just being together. At one point we let our wolves out to have some fun as well. They swam and played tag, then they laid down in the sunshine. They took a nap while letting the sun warm their fur.

When they let us take over again Dante had his head resting on the back of my neck. We stayed like that for a while, too content to move. But like with all things our time to lounge about came to an end.

As the sun was setting Dante walked me to my door. "Thankyou for today," I said with a smile.

"I should be the one thanking you." Leaning in to whisper in my ear he says "Dont tell my siblings but that was the best day I've had in a long while."

Kissing his lips I whisper back, "your secret is safe with me."

He smiles kisses me again then heads home.


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