Chapter Fifteen

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I'm so nervous, I hope I'm dressed ok. I'm wearing a somewhat flowy light blue sundress. That way I can shift quickly, this is one of the last and to be honest, really only dresses my parents got for me. I never really wanted dresses, being more tomboyish growing up, but for some reason I really liked this one.

So as a surprise mom and dad bought it for me after I had commented on how pretty I thought it was. I still hadn't found the right time to wear it when they had left for the battlefield. I wish they could see me now, so I could hear what they would say.

I imagine dad would say something along the lines of having to beat the boys off with a stick. As mom and I would laugh at the thought. Really dad would only have had to glare, he had serious "scare glare". Well that's what I called it, I was unfortunate enough to get myself in trouble when I was little and trust me. One glare from him was enough to never want him glaring at me again. Not to mention mom tanned my backside. I wont give specifics but I could have died. It was pure luck I didnt.

Smiling at the memory I grab my sandles and head downstairs. "Gramms I'm ready," I announce smiling

"Oh sweetie you look so beautiful," she says softly her eyes watering.

"Thankyou, it's not too much?" I ask nervously.

"Not at all, my poor Alpha is going to be beside himself," Gramms says giggling and I blush.

"No he wont," I say trying to play it off and she laughs harder.

"I have never seen him so smitten before, he's never really been interested in chasing tails if you get what I'm saying," she says winking and I hope that's the end of her speech.

Still though it makes the butterflies in my belly dance, not to mention my heart fluttering. We make our way to the pack house and Gramms waves at people as we pass them. I get a few curious looks, nothing big that I noticed anyway.

The pack house is beautiful it kinda makes me think of a castle. The front right section of the yard has a garden with foot paths. The center has grass with a small fountain in the center.

"Ooh that's where they are planning to put up the monument," Gramms whispers and look to the left and see where they have started to clear a place for construction.

A u-shaped driveway separates the three sections. "The festivities should be out back but let's go on in so you can have a look," Gramms says taking my hand and pulling me along.

It's even bigger looking inside but somehow still has a homey vibe. The foryer has a polished marble floor that has the pack's crest in the center.

Off to the left is a huge dinning hall, "the kitchen is threw those doors there," Gramms points at some doors in the dinning area.

"Over there to the right is our library and study area, so when school starts you can study here if you want." She says smiling and we keep walking forward.

We pass a huge common room, the stairs to the upper levels this place has six floors and is spread out. What I didn't expect and find really interesting is the atrium in the center. It has a Japanese garden with a koi pond.

"Our Luna, Goddess bless her, had this made after visiting her kitsune friend overseas. She said that they had a beautiful garden twice as big." Gramms says with a far off look.

"What was Dante's mother like?" I ask getting her attention.

"She was a beautiful, kindhearted woman. She was so compassionate to those around her, not a warrior by any means. Though that never stopped her from sticking up for those around her, if she felt they were treated badly in any way.
She was a preschool teacher she taught our young pups to read and write before they started kindergarten." Gramms said with pride.

"She sounds so nice," I say with a little smile.

"Yes she was, Sonja tends to take after her in temperament. Alpha Dante has her dark hair but his father's eyes. Maddie is the spitting image of her mother." She says smiling.

"Just the mini version," I say with a laugh and Gramms joins me.

"Come on let's go," she says and we head out to the backyard. There is so many people here.

I scan the crowd and finally see Dante, "see I told you." Gramms whispers and I believe her.

He's looking at me like he's star struck, I give him a smile and start walking towards him.

"Oh I see my friend Angie I'll leave you to him," she says walking off but I'm focused on Dante.

I'm so focused that I dont see the girl charging at me till she shoves me. "Dante is mine back off new girl!" She says scowling at me.

-oh hell no she didn't let's kick her ass!

But before I could Dante let out a roar making everyone stop in their tracks.

"Jolene I've had enough of your shit! Touch my mate again and I'll kick you out of this pack!" He snarls at the girl, but I'm still shocked he called me his mate. We still have three years before we learn if that's true, yet somehow it feels right.

"There's no way this nobody is our Luna!" She shouts back and instead of feeling like I want to run and hide like I normally would I'm pissed.

I dont like her yelling and disrespecting Dante. She turns to me again getting ready to hit me but I punch her instead knocking her on her ass. She screams holding her face, "you broke my nose!"

"Be thankful that is all I did, dont ever disrespect your Alpha like that again," I said and she cowered away from me.

"That was so hot," I turn to see Dante smiling at me and I begin to blush.

"So is this our Luna? Are you getting married tonight?" A young girl asks and that's when I notice everyone staring at us. Oh my Goddess what do we do now?

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