Chapter twenty

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Shaking myself out of my stupor I open the last message not recognizing the number.

-Hey Dani girl, it's been awhile. Hope you dont mind Stacy gave me your number. I can't wait to see you, there's so much we have to catch up on. I'll see you at school, don't worry sweetie I'll find you ;) - Lucus

Oh my God!

I must have had a shocked look on my face because Dante takes my face in his hands making me look at him.

"What's the matter? You were smiling a minute ago now you look pale. What happened?" He asked concerned.

So I showed him the last text I read and began explaining, almost tripping over my tongue in the process, while freaking out that Dante would hate me.

"Calm down... breathe," he said calmly after reading the text. "So let me get this strait, it's your friend's older brother, who is under the false impression that you're going to be his?"

I nod still focusing on trying to be calm.

"Do you still want to be with him?" Dante looks in my eyes waiting for my answer as I immediately start shaking my head no.

"No, I haven't even thought about anyone else like that since meeting you," I say blushing and Dai whistles up front. I turn to glare and see Kai has a huge grin as he fist bumps his brother. Rolling my eyes I turn back to Dante who also has a grin but I can tell he is also not happy about the text.

"It's going to be fine," he says then links me making it sound as though he's whispering into my ear, "besides I'm not letting you're mine."

I felt tingles all the way to my toes.

"Here before we get to school Granny asked me to give you this burrito to eat and I kinda forgot," Dante says handing it over sheepishly.

I want to say I'm too nervous to eat but then he opens the wrapper and I start salivating.

"Man that smells good," he says taking a small bite. "Yum."

I take my food before he eats the rest making him smirk. I'm chewing my food when he kisses my cheek, "you're so cute."

I look at him as Dai turns to look at us, "he's right you totally look like a chipmunk."

Rolling my eyes again I ignore everything but my food so I can finish before we get there. It's a good thing I did because we pulled into the parking lot just as I finished my food.

Listening to the guys talk about the classes they are going to have, according to the class schedules that were mailed out last week. Along with the map and handbooks that have come with them. It made everything so normal and ordinary, that you would never realize that they were the top ranking members of our pack. It was nice, till I noticed I have zero classes with Dante.
Luckily, at least I hope, I have two with Dai. So at least there's that and we thankfully all have the same lunch hour together. Though I'm not sure if Kai will really want to stay for it, since he has to get back to get to work.

"Can I see your schedule before we get out?" Dante asks as I'm reaching for the door handle.

"Sure," I shrug pulling it from my bag and hand it over. I see no reason not to share my schedule with him.

His happy smile slowly becomes a frown. "We only have lunch together and will be coming from opposite sides of the school." He sounds so disappointed as he hands me back my paper.

"Then if you get there before me you better save me a spot to sit, and I mean in a chair like a normal person," I say as I climb out winking at him hoping to get a smile from him.

He rolls his eyes but does regain his smile. It's short lived, when we make it to the front of school, like promised Stacy is there. Stacy is there with her brother, Lucas. Immediately Dante is on alert.
She waves like a mad woman and runs to me. It's great to see her, I just wished she would remember that she has a good hundred pounds of pure muscle on me.

The reason I think that is because in the next second I go from standing to flat on the floor. "OOF.....Good Goddess get off me! I love you too but I can't breathe!" I wheeze from under her and pat her back twice.

Back in my old pack Stacy has become an amazing warrior and lifts enough weight to put most males to shame. I've more of a lean muscle body type and she has always been physically stronger than me. Not that I mind that, but we're in frickin skirts!

"Oops my bad," she giggles getting up and lifting me back up as well before enveloping me in another hug. "Goddess I've missed you so much!" She says smiling as she holds me out to look me over.

"I wish I brought a camera to get a picture of you in a skirt!" I say with a huge grin. Here is something that you have to understand about Stacy, she absolutely loathes dresses and skirts with a passion. Just like Gracy who I haven't seen yet.

"Don't even get me started! If I wanted air up my ass all day I would spend all my time in my wolf form or naked damn it! Why can't I wear shorts or the fucking pants!" She says pissed off.

"Actually I think you can," Dante says calmly next to me and Stacy finally notices that I'm not alone. "Hi I'm Dante Steven, I'm Dani's mate." He says just as Lucus gets to us and I notice that when he said it he was looking right at him. His honey eyes hard and clearly telling him to fuck off.

I quickly peek at Lucus to see his reaction and it's about what I thought it would be, he's pissed off big time.

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