Chapter six

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I was able to get an answer from my fellow Alphas sooner than I thought, they liked my idea. Granted none of us will probably be able to start them for a while since we have more pressing matters at hand.

Luckily at least one of our worries have been seen to, since the stealth witches took care of the casket situation. I had to get confirmation on the head stones today. The stone cutter a guy named Bane, whose part Fae, commented on how many orders he was getting.

"We owe ye kind a great debt for saving our arses. I'm sorry ye lost so many of ye kin though. As thanks I'll only be charging half price for the lot."

It was an interesting morning, I took a break to check on my siblings and found them watching Despicable Me and giggling at the minions.

It warms my heart to hear their giggles, it has been awhile since they have been able to. I think it means they are finally starting to feel a little bit better. I know it's always going to be hard without mom and dad, especially on those important days. You know the important milestones that everyone has in life. But every little step to being ok helps right?

I'm heading back to my office when my beta catches up to me.

"Hey man have you eaten yet today you look pale?" Daisuke asks.

"I've been busy I was going to grab something but remembered something that I needed to do," I shrug but he spins me around and leads me to the kitchen. "Dude, wha-,"
I start to say when he talks over me.

"Kai! Make this moron some food before he passes out!" he shouts to his brother, my Gamma.

"Trying to work yourself to death again D?" Kai says over his shoulder as he starts frying up some eggs.

"No I was gonna eat.. I just had to do something first," I say glaring at Dai.

What most people don't realize about Dai and Kai is that they are not twins. They are actually two years apart in age. Kai is actually the older of the two but prefers to be Gamma instead of Beta. I've known them all my life and they are like brothers to me.

So them getting on my case isn't anything new, I do sometimes forget to eat in the morning depending on how much work I've got.

"Hey D are you going to go out for football this year?" Dai asks and I shake my head.

"I dont have the time for it right now maybe next year or something. I don't know with my dad gone it's just not as fun for me anymore, you know?" I say picking up my fork to eat the plate of food Kai sat infront of me.

"There's nothing wrong with that, it's not the be all end all," Kai says. He's going to be a senior this year and he jokes about how after school he can play secretary for me till I get home.

"Dude stop you say that and my mind puts you in a pinstripe skirt, Ugh not a good look for you bro!" Dai says grossed out.

"I think I could rock one if I had to, picture it me sitting on the corner of D's desk my hairy legs crossed under the skirt..." he says imagining it.


"Dude I'm eating stop it," I say laughing at how grossed out Dai is getting.

"Then I drop something and have to pick it up," Kai continues to torment his brother as I choke on my food.

"I'm gonna hurl!" Dai says falling off his stool.

"My boxers fall out the bottom as my butt rips the zipper," Kai says starting to laugh.

These goof balls! Now that I'm not choking on my food I roll my eyes at them. "Hey Kai did the kids eat yet?" I ask getting up to wash my plate.

"Yeah I made them French toast, we're out of bread now so I asked some of the other pack members to go shopping. I didn't want to leave the kiddos with no one to keep an eye or ear out for them. Speaking of..." he trails off looking at the doorway.

"Kai when's.. oh Dante you're done finally!" Maddie says as she runs to me.

"I was just taking a break Madds what's up?" I ask picking her up.

"I want to go see Dani," she says seriously.

"Who's Dani?" Kai and Dai ask at the same time.

"She's Granny Jo's granddaughter, she just lost her mommy and daddy," she says sadly and turns back to me with teary eyes. "Can I go see her?"

Sighing I shake my head, "I'm sorry Madds but they need time to sort out things. I'll let Granny know that you send love and hugs for them both, is that ok?" I ask her and she pouts but nods. "You're the best little person in the world!" I say spinning her making her laugh while peppering her with kisses.

"Hey I'm good too!" Zeppelin says stomping his foot.

"Yes I know.. all of you are the best siblings a guy could ask for!" I say putting down Maddie and running after Zep since he took off. I catch him as he gets back to the living room and I start tickling him.

He squirms in my arms laughing, "st-stop ok ok ok!" He gasps between his giggles.

*lip smacking noise* I give him a huge kiss.

"Are you done with work already Dante?" Sonja asks.

I shake my head, "I needed to eat and wanted to see what you guys were up to."

"We were wondering if we could go swimming today," she asks hopeful I'll agree to it.

"When?" I ask.

"Now?" Jagger answers and I think about the things I have yet to finish.

"If you can get some adults to go with you then yes as long as you're careful, I'll try to join you guys when I'm done ok?" I say and they run to ask Kai or more likely his parents to go with them.

Kai and Dai's parents both work at the werewolf highschool that just opened two years ago. Myu works in the office, while Kenji is a computer teacher. In the "off" season he works as our pack technician, while Myu prefers to relax and occasionally keep an eye on my siblings at the pool.

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