Chapter Sixteen

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"Holy crap I really just said that infront of everyone didn't I?"

-own it, now no other horny punks would dream of taking our mate!

"Not helping Leo" but he's not wrong.
I turn to the little kid that asked me if we are getting married tonight and answer.

"Not tonight, tonight I'm introducing her to everyone. I also have some other things to tell everyone then we will take a pack run before coming back for a barbecue," I say and look up at Dani.

She is watching me closely with a small smile on her face and is blushing.

"Well that's one way to tell all the guys she's taken," Dai comes up laughing.

Which I'm happy to say diffuses the tension of the moment and people go back to mingling again.

I walk up to Dani and reach for her hand at the same time she reaches for mine.

"Hi," we say at the same time making us both laugh.

"Yep you definitely are probably mates," Dai says nodding with his arms crossed and a thoughtful expression.

Dani giggles at the look on his face and I pull her closer to me. She doesnt seem to mind though.

"Sorry if that was a bit much, but I truly believe that we are ment to be together," I whisper in her ear making her blush more.

"I do too," she whispers bashfully back. It is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Ok now that you two are all done with the need to be cute let's run!" Dai says starting to get excited.

"Actually I still have to introduce Dani properly and I have another announcement to make," I say chuckling at him.

*sigh* "fine," he slumps but winks at Dani making her laugh.

Rolling my eyes I call for everyone's attention again, only this time on purpose. "Everyone first I'd like to thank you all for gathering on such short notice. Second I was informed that we had a new pack member born to us and his name is Eddie! So let's congratulate his parents, Ellen and Wayne on his birth." After the cheers die down a bit I call out again, "And lastly I would like to introduce Dani properly to you all. So everyone please give a warm welcome to Dani Rhodes." I say proudly.

Everyone but a disgruntled Jolene claps and calls out various versions of hello. Dani blushes and waves, some of the other pack members come to hug her or shake her hand in welcome. I occasionally have to stop myself from growling at the guys coming up to her. Especially Patrick, Jolene's cousin I had to stop myself from hurting him. Asshole definitely made her uncomfortable trying to get all in her space, I pushed him away from her with restraint.

After he was out of earshot she turned to me, "he's so creepy he was trying to sniff my neck," she said letting out a disgusted shiver.

Now I wish I hadn't restrained myself, growling I made a move to go towards him but Dani's hand on my arm stopped me, calming my rage.

"Shouldn't we get ready for that run you promised me?" She asked with a smile making me smile back. Nodding I turn to the crowd calling out.

"Ok who's ready for a run?!"

Cheers ring out as we all prepare to shift. The sounds of bones shifting fill the air, once I'm on all four paws I turn to find Dani/Estella padding up to me. Her wolf is a light sandy color, with light gray eyes. Her paws are a slightly darker color like she was walking in water. Shes so beautiful that I just stand there dumbstruck, till she rubs up against me making me purr.

"You are beautiful," I link to her and she licks me snout.

"And you're handsome," she links back and I lick her ear tips making her let out a wolfy giggle.

"Ok love pups let's run!" Dai links trotting up to us.

Rolling my eyes I howl getting everyone's attention, then I lead the pack on our run with Dani by my side. She is surprisingly very fast, I found myself racing with her. Or did till Kai asked if I wanted him to lead everyone else back for the barbecue.

Sobering I started leading us back to the packhouse.

The rest of the night I stayed close to Dani's side as much as I could. When my siblings joined us that was harder to do since they all wanted her attention too.

I congratulated Myu on her pregnancy to which she smiled giving me a hug. "I hope the kids weren't too much of a bother," I said thinking she looked tired.

"Not at all I'm just sleepy because of my baby, but more awake now because who doesn't like barbecue? This baby loves it." She says smiling.

"How far along are you?" Dani asks from her spot at the table where she is practically buried by my siblings. Again making me feel jealous.

"I just entered my second trimester, we didn't want to tell anyone before that because the doctor said that because I'm on the older side," she says narrowing her eyes, "that I could have issues."

"Do they know you are a werewolf?" Dani asked and Myu nodded.

"Also I had a miscarriage four years after I had Daisuke, so they're just worried that it could happen again." She said and I had no idea. I was so moved that I gave her a hug, which she returned.

"Ok love go sit with this lovely girl while I go get me something to eat," she said patting my back.

So I let her go, while she headed for the food table, I got as close to Dani as the kids would let me.

All in all the night was great, at one point someone started music playing in the outside speakers. Which somehow lead to someone starting karaoke.

I do not have a good singing voice, I could make babies cry. Dani on the other hand has a beautiful voice. She refused to go up and sing, but at one point when we were slow dancing she sang the song quietly to me.

It was the hottest thing, but also so amazing. I almost didn't want the night to end but remembered that tomorrow I would have her all to myself.

I swear I feel so happy that I could fly.

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