Chapter twenty one

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That's right bitch! I said I'm her mate, now BACK THE FUCK OFF! Is what is clearly said in the look I'm giving the asshole infront of me. He has the audacity to look like I'm the asshole stealing his girl when clearly she's mine!

"How old are you? Cause last I checked wolves don't find out who their mates are till they turn eighteen," he sneers at me and going so far as to try pulling Dani from me. Elisiting a growl from me.

Dani however moves away from his touch and closer to me. He frowns and directs his gaze her way, "Dani you don't have to cater to this guy's whims. I know you love me, remember we promised to get together when I got home."

Without thinking I pull her behind me and Leo comes forward to tell him exactly what he thinks.

-If you value your hands being attached to your body I suggest you never touch my mate again or I'll RIP them off with my teeth!

"Dani are you really ok being manipulated by this guy like this?!" Lucus yells at her drawing even more attention to us. I hadn't noticed at first but now that I have I was getting irritated.

"Luc I'm sorry, but I don't have any romantic feelings that way towards you anymore and haven't for..," Dani said but before she could finish he yelled at her.

"Why? Cause this asshat's an Alpha?" He points at me. "Are you turning into a power seeking whore now?!" He yelled with spit flying he was so pissed.

That was my breaking point, apparently it was his too.. because when I hit him I broke his jaw. It was a loud satisfying cracking sound with a juicy pop, meaning it also dislocated.

Before I could really beat the shit out of him, the guys grabbed my arms pulling me away from him. Dani followed us and hugged me, calming me back down. The guys let me go and I held Dani close. When I looked over her shoulder, her friend was trying to help her brother stand. Being the true dickhead he is though he smacked her hand away.

Her friend looked sad, then turned to look at Dani. She started to walk towards us, but her brother grabbed her by the hair yanking her after him.

Dani watched with sad eyes mouthing that she was sorry to her. Her friend sent her some hand sign and she relaxed.

"What did that mean?" I whispered to her.

"She said later, so I know she isn't mad at me." Dani said relieved. "I don't understand how Lucus could act the way he did. He was never like that before, no matter how upset he got. He was never violent or cruel."

"I'm sorry I lost my cool and let him get to me. That wasn't very wise of me," I said chagrined.

Dani took my face in her hand and smiled, "Are you kidding? You showed amazing restraint, you're an Alpha. He's lucky he got off with just a broken jaw. Having said that we should probably call Alpha Raven, he will want to know."

Shit and on the first day of school I'm already disappointing my mentor. "Yeah you're probably right," I say rubbing the back of my neck. Pulling out my phone out of my pocket I hit his speed dial.

"Alpha Dante I thought you had school today, is everything okay?" Alpha Raven asks with concern.

"Yeah...a- about that," I started but Dani took the phone.

"Hi Alpha Raven it's Dani.....We called to let you know that we had a confrontation with Lucas Miller.......No I'm not injured.....he disrespected my Alpha.....because we feel the pull and Lucus didnt want to hear it.........he broke his jaw....I would rather not repeat what he said to me....he's changed, he was never cruel it wasn't only that......he dragged Stacy away afterward by her hair.....I think so too....I understand....I won't...he's here...ok it was nice getting to talk to you....*she giggles* I know Scar sent me a picture of them this morning.....give them a hug for me....ok's Dante," she smiles handing me my phone.

"I'm sorry for the trouble my pack member has caused you today," he sighs before I can even say anything.

"That isn't your fault but I wont tolerate him talking to Dani like that. I'm liable to break more than just his jaw next time," I say getting pissed again.

"I get it, I would never let anyone disrespect my mate. I will look into what could be the cause of his drastic change. It's not normal, something had to have happened to him. I will also be giving him a talking to, if you know what I mean?" He said and I understood.

I may be young but I'm still an Alpha. Alphas demand respect, the fact that he blatantly refused to, not only that but to also challenge me aswell. He's lucky I let the others stop me. Things could have gone very differently.

We soon ended our conversation and got off the phone. I turned to see the headmaster walking towards us. She is one of the elders that had helped us out during the war, but I don't remember her name.

"Goodmorning Alpha I heard you had an interesting morning, and the day hasn't even started yet. Can I ask you to accompany me to the office please?" She asked but I know it's mandatory and not a request.

Resigned I start to follow her but turn and tell the others to get to class first.

"I'll come with you," Dani says following us.

"Don't worry about it, I don't want you to be late on your first day," I try getting her to get going.

"Actually I would like you both to join me, please." She says smiling and we follow.

Walking up the steps we enter the building. It has great natural light in the entryway, which is larger than I thought it would be. It's like an indoor courtyard with trees and sitting areas. Looking up I see high ceilings made of glass. There's even a water feature in here.

We bypass all this heading into the administration office off to our left. Just before we reach the headmaster's office I hear Kenji call out to me.

"Alpha what's going on?" He asks worriedly and I link him my memories. He looks pissed off but stays quiet.

"We'll talk later," I say out loud and enter the office with Dani. What a way to kick start the school year.

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