Chapter twenty three

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"So how are you doing?" Meadow asks quietly. "I lost my dad two years ago, so I know how hard it is to lose a parent. Not that I'm saying we are the same or anything," she says quickly while holding her hands up, but I get what she means.

"It's ok I understand what you ment, its been an adjustment. It was so hard to even breathe at first, knowing that I wouldn't ever see them again, but I'm doing better. My Gramms is taking care of me now, knowing that I need to be strong for her also helps. *giggle* It doesn't hurt that I have a very strong bond with my new Alpha," I smile wistfully.

"Oh isn't that the guy I saw you with this morning? Ok I know it's not my business but what was that all about?" She asked her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Well, the guy you saw me with is my Alpha, Alpha Dante Steven. I had met him originally while the war was taking place. My Gramms is part of his pack, so when I moved I also became a member."

"Yeah I got that but how'd you get so close?" She asks perplexed.

"My Gramms baby sits his younger siblings, and we both know it sounds crazy but we feel the pull towards one another," I shrug.

"That's not crazy *yawns* it happens occasionally, just not too often but it can happen," Jake says yawning again. He sits up to stretch and I notice Meadow oogling him while blushing. His shirt lifted to show some impressive abdominals and a sharp v.

"You've heard of it happening to others before?" We both ask him at the same time making us chuckle.

"Jinx, now you both owe me a soda." He says with a smirk then answers our question. "From what I read, and confirmed with an elder I knew. There have been a few documented cases where mates were able to find each other before they turned eighteen. Though it's obviously not the norm, but in those cases they said they felt a strong pull towards each other. Later at the age of eighteen it was undoubtedly confirmed."

"I wonder why though?" Meadow ponders tilting her head in contemplation.

She has a good point, why would the Goddess have us feel the pull early? Is there a specific reason or is it a happy accident? I wish I knew. Then another more interesting thought popped in my head and out my mouth before I could stop it, "out of curiosity why did you look it up?"

He immediately blushed and turned away only intriguing me more. "No reason," he says unconvincingly.

"Oh there's a story there," Meadow says wiggling in her seat making him bark out a strangled laugh.

"Nope, not telling," he says and we both go to argue but Mr Brown calls Meadow to answer his question that we didn't hear.

"Girls I know Mr. Griffin is a fascinating conversationalist, but I would appreciate it if you paid attention to the material I'm currently teaching." He says nicely while still embarrassing us.

With that class continues normally till the bell rings. Gathering my stuff Meadow and I again try to get Jake to answer us. He laughs and slips past us though. "It's nothing," he keeps saying but the slight blush he has tells another story.

Dai who is waiting outside the door for me looks perplexed. "What's nothing?" He asks and I smile.

"We're trying to get our friend Jake to answer us, but he doesn't want to share his story." I say shrugging.

He laughs, "ok well we should get going before we are late to our next class."

Turns out Meadow and I have our first four classes together. Jake was also in our fourth hour class, so we had another chance to question him. Sadly for us he's like trying to break into Fort Knox, not happening.

I finally got to see Gracy just before my fourth hour, her class was next to mine.

"D! Omg is what I heard about this morning true? And looky at this crap I'm in a friggin skirt! I'm buying the pants and wearing them tomorrow I dont care if they get mad. I swear if one more guy tries to grab my ass I'm gonna RIP off his fucking hand and beat him to death with it!" She rants till the bell rings and we are forced into class.

Stacy is in my second, fifth, and sixth classes which is great. It gave us time to talk out the events of this morning, and gave her time to cry out her sadness and frustration with her brother.

"I don't understand what happened to him, ever since he came back it's like he's a totally different person. Don't even get me started on this morning, he's lucky your Alpha didn't kill him! He never used to be like that, I swear it's like he got taken over by bodysnatchers!" She rants and I can't help the giggle that escapes me at that. But it's a good thing because it makes her laugh too.

"I already talked with Alpha Frost this morning, he said that he's going to look into it. He also thinks that it's unusual behavior for Lucas. I think something happened out there while he was gone. I mean seriously what else could it be?" I ask and she looks at me.

"Did he ever say anything about anything going on?" Her hopeful expression dies as I shake my head no.

"He completely stopped talking to me when he left," I say and she sighs.

"Here before he left he was like "I'm going to marry Dani someday. I'm going to talk to her every day so we dont lose touch, cause I don't want to lose her etc. etc. Then he doesn't even fucking talk to you, oh my Goddess you dont think he met his mate out there do you?" She asks panicked.

"I would say he is still only seventeen and how would he know but look at my situation," I shrug.

"So do you think that's a possibility or do you think its something else?" She says before blowing her nose.

"I really don't know, but I can say I don't like the new Lucus. Not that I would want to be with the old him, because I just don't see him like that anymore. Not to mention my mate," she gives me her look are you serious look,"Yes I do believe that my Alpha is my mate, and I don't see anyone else in that way anymore."

"I'm happy for you Dani," she smiles and it makes me happy knowing that she is happy for me.

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