chapter 6

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After Anita left, Lillian got a call. Looking at her phone screen, she saw it was Aaron calling. Picking up the phone she heard his voice " Hello my one and only sister in law come let's go out for lunch". And Lilian smiled and replied " But I'm working right now. You should know that I just resumed today and it's not proper for me to just step out".

"But you know Peter won't mind, you are his favorite remember, common it's been so long since we went out together" Aaron said.

Lillian sighed and agreed to go out with and he was right it's been so long, since they went out to eat, or even did anything together....he had always been busy with work so she decided to oblige him. Although, she was working on a blue print for the construction of a mall, she  decided to take a break. Charity her secretary had given it to her once she was seated in her office pointing out that George her initial replacement, had drawn it.  And since she had already highlighted the changes to be made she felt less guilty to step out.

" Charity, the blue print you asked me to look over is on my table. You can go take it from there. I'm going out for lunch with Aaron I will be back soon ok."? Charity nodded and watched as Lillian stepped out of her office.

After Lillian left, charity entered her office to collect the blue print Lillian earlier spoke about. while she was about to step out, she heard a phone ring. Going to check whose phone it was, she saw it was Lillian's phone ringing and  on the screen she saw ' Richard with a heart emoji by the side and she immediately knew it was Lillian's husband calling.

Smiling, she picked up the phone and said " Good afternoon Mr. Wilson.... Mrs. Wilson just stepped out. And I think she left her phone behind by mistake". Richard on the other end of the line said " any idea where she might have gone"?.

"She went out for lunch with Aaron When she comes back, I will tell her you called".

Meanwhile on the other side of the line, Richard clutched the car keys he was holding in his hand tightly. Charity's voice came in again but he couldn't be bothered to hear what she had to say, so he cut the call and stormed out of the house.

He was feeling guilty for the way he had behaved, earlier this morning but then again, how could he still be considerate, to such an unfaithful woman.... and once again he felt the pain of her betrayal staring at him.

Charity on the other end of the line wanted to congratulate Richard on his wedding and said

 " Congratulations sir I wish you and Mrs. Wilson a...." She didn't finish her statement and the line went off. She thought perhaps it was the network so she dropped the phone back on the table and stepped out of the office.

Lillian just arrived at the restaurant Aaron had described to her. She had taken an Uber to get there since she didn't know the place. She wasn't one to step out of the house frequently aside from Anita of course that always made sure to drag her along on her shopping sprees which she hated but still secretly enjoyed.

Before she stepped in Aaron's back was turned to her looking at him, she smiled and shook her head.... he was always elegantly dressed. If he were to ask her opinion he should have been a fashion designer instead of designing  and making buildings.

She was sure he was could dress more than most women that she knew. Not that she knew many.

She walked up to where Aaron sat, and saw that he was on his phone so she tapped him on the shoulder and said " I'm here can you please drop your phone now" Aaron looked up, and looked at her and said " finally I was wondering what took you so long anyway have a seat". He smiled at her his eyes twinkling with myth and asked her

 "what would you like to order?". Lillian simply skimmed through the menu and decided on pasta she wasn't really hungry anyway, she noticed that for the past few days now, she had lost her appetite.

They didn't have to wait long for their food and soon they began eating. She realized that as she was eating, Aaron was looking at her and smiling she stopped, and asked him why he was  smiling and looking at her he just shook his head and said " it's nothing I'm just happy to see you after such a long time. How are you and Richard though?". Hearing that she dropped her fork picked up the cloth and wiped her mouth and said " we are fine, now can we get back to the food"? He only smiled and said " tell him to call me though he hasn't since he returned I'm starting to feel offended, or has he forgotten his sweet younger brother"?.

But Lillian didn't know that although, she was seated there Aaron's phone was ringing and it was none other, than Richard calling.

Lillian was still seated in her office, when she heard a knock on the door looking up she saw that it was Anita. And Anita who had just come into the office said " aren't you going home, it's past 7pm already. Don't overwork yourself you just resumed okay". Lillian just nodded and replied " I will leave once I'm done with this".

Anita nodded and eventually left her saying she had a date to catch up with winking at Lillian who shook her head smiling at her friend's antics.

It was 8pm and Lillian still hadn't left the office getting tired, and needing to stretch her legs she got up. She had removed her glasses because her eyes had began to hurt a lot. Then she suddenly remembered that they were due for changing. She was supposed to request for a change from her doctor before her wedding but perhaps the excitement, of getting married had caused her to forget and she suddenly wondered why she hadn't changed it in the last six months.

She walked up to the floor to ceiling window in her office and began to look outside the city. Looking at her office one would think she was the CEO because Peter had personally, designed this office for himself but he gave it to her as one of the wedding gifts as well and to reward her for bagging a very important deal.

Tracing her wedding band, on her left finger she remembered Anita's question. It's not that she didn't want to go home. But she was starting to get really scared. She didn't know what to do anymore her anxiety and worry had made her to loose her appetite, for the past few days now. She was worried about Richard's actions  and she suddenly tensed up, when she remembered what had happened earlier this morning.

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