chapter 30

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"Hi are you doing?". Mia said with a smile on her face.

"I'm so upset with you Lillian....why haven't you been calling I've been worried". Her mom said worry evident in her voice.

"I'm fine I've told you to stop calling me Lillian it's Mia now mom and that's how it's going to stay". She said sighing.

"I'm so sorry dear... I forget sometimes please forgive me".

"It's okay mom all is forgiven...just been really busy".

"It's alright how is London...are you adjusting fine?".

She replied adjusting herself on her seat  "Everything is fine here mom.....just moved into my apartment it's a really nice place".

"That's great know I was a little upset about the fact that you had to stay in a hotel but I'm glad everything is sorted...but I hope it's well secured?".

"Of course mom". She said laughing a little and continued " it's a new apartment....and it's well secured as well the lease is quite expensive but it's worth it you should come by sometime and check the place out and about the hotel was quit nice and the employees were nice as well it wasn't a bad experience staying there". She kept talking 

"You should see the building mom the architectural skills is top notch for sure and the design very intricate too...I love it". She paused because her mom was quiet and she said

"uh mom? are you still there?".

" I'm just so happy you are fine my dear I was a little worried but I guess I was worried for nothing and certainly I will come to check the place out.....what about work? Are you coping well? Are your colleagues friendly?".

Now Mia paused a little after the question she pondered whether to tell her mom the truth or just leave it...she wondered if she should tell her mom that her greatest fears came through...but decided against it since it would only make her worry. She was interrupted from her thoughts by her mother's voice once again.

"Lil ..... Mia are you still there?".

Her mom still had problems calling her Mia....she recalled when she wanted to change her name because, after everything she went through and woke up, she decided that she could no longer answer Lillian....and even if she did what would she answer' Lillian Wilson' that certainly wasn't possible anymore since Richard himself had stripped her of those rights.

And although Anita had jumped on the idea, her mother was a bit skeptical about it...hence the struggle in calling her Mia. Mia Stewart was her birth mother's name...and during that period that was the only name she felt she could answer...she had found out about it from the orphanage, she grew up in...since her father had filled certain documents before leaving her there.

She quickly answered " Work is fine mom....have been working on a blue print for sometime now with my colleagues... although there is still much more work to be done but in general, everything's going well".

"That's nice there..although where are you? And why is there so much noise?".

"I'm at the airport mum". She answered

"Airport? Why? And where are you going...are you going back to Australia?".

She smiled because of the too many questions her mother asked in one breathe and answered.

"Mom I'm not going to Australia but Ontario.. I'm going for the ARCHITECT CON I told you about... LA TERRA will be hosting this year and since I wasn't able to attend for some time now, I will be attending this year".

"That's nice my dear but will you be alright? and besides didn't you just finish on the blue print thingy you were talking about earlier try to take some rest okay? and I know I may be worrying too much but this is the second time you will be entering a plane after the accident...are you sure you will be fine". Her mom asked after a long pause.

"Of course mom I will be fine I did it when I was coming to London though... I will be fine so please don't worry...she wanted to speak further when she heard the voice of the announcer calling the passengers to the gate and said " uh mom I've got to go now I will call you once I arrive...we are boarding now".

"Alright dear take care". Was what she heard before disconnecting the call and taking a deep breathe, she walked towards the gate.

By the time she got to her seat she was a bit nervous... yes she had told her mom earlier that she was fine but it wasn't easy and she was suddenly grateful that people could listen to music on the plane.

 So she did what she had also done on her flight down to London. It was going to be roughly an 8 hours flight so she quickly found her mp3, plugged in her ear buds, and put on some calming music. While listening to the music her mind kept wandering...she recalled the conversation she had with Mr. wellington...he had told her since they were partner with SKY STRUCTURE, their names have been put down together and if they were  going to enter into the competition which was a rumor for now but will be clarified once she got there if they would both be entering as a team.

ARCHITECT CON, was an architectural convention which was held every two years in the construction world... many companies have gained recognition in the numerous competitions that were usually held. Engineers, also joined them in this convention and there they would receive lectures from prominent figures, on how to grow....they were also games done, sight seeing and even dinner parties...and she was excited to attend since she would at least breathe a little, after all that had been going on the past week.

But one thing made her a little anxious and that was because once again was that  had to work with SKY STRUCTURE. She had remembered calling up Richard after much deliberation from her side, to clarify and he had told her that Nelson would be coming in his stead...she felt strangely relieved and although she also knew Nelson 7years ago, he wasn't Richard and it would be easier for her to work with him, than Richard.

She was tapped up, and told that their flight had landed by one of the flight attendants so she thanked the lady got up and walked out...she walked to where she would pick up her luggage and stepped out of the airport in Ontario.

Luckily for her an Uber man held up her name and she quickly saw it, and walked up to him. He took her luggage from her and soon there were on their way to the address she gave him.

Mia had arrived at the COLOSSAL HOTEL AND SUITS, paid the taxi driver his fare and was on her way into the hotel. It was a beautiful 7 star was quite large as well  she was quite tired so she didn't really bother to look around and admire the hotel more, and just walked up to the reception.

It had been told that the company representatives coming, already had their rooms. She walked up to the receptionist and said letting go of her luggage

" Good afternoon..I'm from THE STONE BUILDERS".

the receptionist greeted back in a sweet voice and checking her system, looked up and said "Umm that will be room 2250...and here is your card....just swipe and the door will be opened".

Thanking the receptionist she held unto her luggage and began walking to the elevator she heard her phone ringing, and she stopped to check who was calling. Looking at the screen she saw it was her mother...she quickly picked up the call, telling her mother that she had arrived safely and was about to check in.

After she had ended the call, she put her phone back in her purse and started walking again to the elevator when someone who was running past her perhaps an employee in a hurry bumped her shoulder with force, which caused her steps to falter and with that, twisted her ankle.

A sharp pain shot up through her leg and she hissed in pain with this she also lost her balance but luckily, someone broke her fall....and looking up to thank the fellow, she was surprised at who she saw....


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