chapter 7

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Earlier that morning, Lillian had woken up a little early because, she was supposed to resume work today. And another reason, was because she could barely sleep after the question she had heard Richard whisper to her thinking she was sleeping.

As she climbed up the stairs, and carefully opened their bedroom door. She realized that Richard was still in bed and the duvet had completely covered him. Thinking it was probably the AC since it was on and that too on full blast. She quickly picked up the remote, and switched it off. She walked up to his side of the bed, and slowly pulled the duvet.

She realized that he was sweating, and pulled it off completely but he didn't wake up so she slowly put her hand on his forehead and realized he was burning up a little. Then she remembered, that it had rained very heavily last night and she also noticed, that he went to bed with the wet clothes. Seeing that he was burning up she quickly ran downstairs to the kitchen to get a bowl and towel. Forgetting all about the questions she wanted to ask him. 

By the time she went upstairs, and into their bedroom she realized, that he had moved a little so she slowly put down the bowl and squeezed the towel in the bowl. As she raised her hand to put the towel on his forehead, she felt his hand on her wrist and looking down at his face, she realized he was awake.

But then she realized something he was angry and the anger was reflecting in his eyes she flinched, because his grip on her wrist tightened. He pushed her aside and got up from the bed.

Having come down from the bed Richard felt a little dizzy so he almost fell and trying to help him, she touched his elbow and said " Richard you don't look too good why don't you lie down and I will get some fever medicine for you". Pulling his elbow forcefully form her grip he said

 "Don't  touch me I don't need your help " and walking forward a bit he slowly turned around and said something that left her speechless " Don't show up in front of me again I don't want to see your face.... It sickens me". He smelled of beer but that suddenly didn't matter to her given the state he was in. She thought of reprimanding him but with the anger she saw in his eyes, she thought against it.

As he tried to walk further he swayed once again and she once again tried to help him and held onto his arm saying  "Please be careful you will fall". Once again forgetting the hurtful words he just said to her.

And the next thing she knew, her back was slammed forcefully against the wall so she flinched once again and looking into his eyes in shock, the amount of rage she saw made her suddenly scared and really anxious. Her heart rate had also drastically increased and then he said menacingly slowly " I just said don't touch me. And don't show up in front of me again I won't say it again Lillian". 

By now tears have already accumulated in her eyes and she said to him " Richard what on earth has gotten into you? You haven't once spoken properly to me since you came back" and trying to touch his face she said " what is wrong and why won't you tell me"?.

Before she could touch him, he slammed his fist on the wall, just beside her head and the impact of the hit of this fist to the wall, caused her to flinch once more and this caused her to close her eyes and the tears which had accumulated rolled down her cheeks. By the time she opened her eyes, he had entered into the bathroom and slammed the door.

She slowly slid down the wall, shaking and she began to wonder what on earth had gone so wrong to bring such rage and anger from him... Richard has never once shouted at her... And by now she was getting more scared and anxious coupled with the strange question he had whispered to her last night. She was still seated there in shock while he bathed, dressed and stormed right passed her and out of the house once again. It seemed he was very fond of storming out of the house now and it felt like he could no longer bare staying under the same roof with her.

A knock, brought her out of her thoughts and turning around she saw that it was the watchman, Hansen who asked her " Madam won't you be leaving today the whole building is empty". Looking at her time she saw it was 9 pm already and she replied " I'm sorry Hansen I must have lost track of time. Please can you call a cab for me I will be right down". Nodding Hansen left Lillian's office and she began to pack her things picking up her phone, and checking her call logs she realized that Richard had called earlier that afternoon. She wanted to call back but decided against it.... she wasn't ready yet.

By the time she came down the cab was already there. She bid goodnight to Hansen and left.... If only she knew what awaited her tonight, then perhaps she would have just stayed back at the office.

Meanwhile at the bar, Richard had already had 3 bottles of beer and he could tell that he was getting drunk he overheard two men talking beside him, and it seemed one was consoling the other he could hear words like " She cheated on me, I mean wasn't my love enough for her, I was only gone for two months so why couldn't she wait". He burped and turned to his friend and asked again "Do you think I have lost my right?". 

He smiled in his drunken state and thought to himself that this must be a bar for heartbroken people. He suddenly remembered that he tried to call her. He had felt bad for his reaction towards her earlier this morning. He was scared of what he did and also the fact that he saw her cry in shock as well.... he had never behaved in such a way to her before, and she had never seen his rage either and he had let his emotions get the better of him. But could anyone blame him right now? He was shattered and he was sure that when she will realize what had made him act like that, she too, would be as speechless as he was when he saw the content of the flash drive. At first, it was delivered to him so he was curious about it. And when he saw the content he couldn't think straight for days he cried, got pained, confused and then finally angry..... Suddenly so enraged, it was like the video was playing afresh in his head he decided....enough of all this suffering he had questions.. and Lillian was going to answer all tonight he wasn't going to give her a day more.

So in his drunken state, he booked a cab and headed straight home hopefully, she wouldn't be with her lover...

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